Email doodlings – a back and forth with Jeff Chidester on Kelly Ayotte – part 2

by Skip

The response back from Jeff was this:

Skip, you and I will always be buddies. And how did I know you would kick the ball.

Let’s not forget, that those on the other side of the argument say the same thing.  The key is to get more people involved in understanding the role of the judiciary.

I agree with your points, and they illustrate the root of our Constitutional ‘evil.’ Not enough ‘everyday’ people understand the Constitutional dilemma we are in.  Bork got screwed because the new media did not exist, and the ‘Constitutional Renaissance’ had not occurred yet.

Remember, the same process that provides for the confirmation of a justice is also the same one for Ambassador and ‘Ministers and Counsels,’ but when was the last time you heard of an Ambassador getting slammed, and why isn’t a Czar considered a Counsel? The process is flawed at all levels;

…the Senators don’t take it seriously except when the nominee is so opposite of those that sit in judgment, and usually on four categories issues: Guns, Babies, Bibles, and Social Justice.

But now we live in the age on enlightenment, but sadly we do not have the power. But we are still missing two of the key elements necessary to ensure sound judicial nominees are selected? The people and the new media. The presence of the new media is being felt, but the people are still not there. The time has never been better to educate and prepare the next generation of citizens. 

The fact is this: the real seat of concern is the Kennedy seat; fill that with a conservative or a liberal and the balance of power shifts drastically .  We will most likely lose 3 justices after 2012, including at least 1 conservative and likely Kennedy.  We need to elect the right President and supporting cast to return a Constitutional value back to the Court. When  that ‘balance of power’ scenario occurs, I am convinced that Ayotte, Bender, or Ovide, they will make the correct choice.

I will respond tomorrow to this month old tome (or is that tomb?).


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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