Avast ye mates, political boarding parties abound!


Well, as I said to one staffer on a campaign:

Well, the blunderbusses have arrived and reinforcements for them are just coming up over the hill – and some are marked as "deliver to GraniteGrok" as well!  I think the rabble rousing  and poo slinging has ignited among the candidates…

…Break out the popcorn!  Hoses, bandages, and surgeries begin at 6pm…

I’d like to think that we make our own here at the ‘Grok; yet, we are getting a number of blunderbusses from "Concerned Citizen"(s) who now are sending us stuff from all over the state – and who says New Hampshireites don’t take politics seriously!  Blunderbusses were never known for great accuracy (a Kentucky Long Rifle was good for picking off opponents at long distance) but work well for close in-fighting!

First in line certainly seems to be Bill Binnie (and no, for millions of obvious reasons, the word "poor" is not moving past my fingers here).  Remember this where Binnie accuses Ayotte of colluding with Cornerstone on the ad smacking Binnie around with his own words?  

Well, yet another unforced error, IMHO, from Binnie’s campaign when I read this (again, over at Drew Cline’s) as Brooks (Ayotte’s campaign manager) smacks Binnie around in return – but gives out an "attaboy" and lends a hand to Ovide for his "Pro-Life" stance in the process (links added):

As you are aware, the Chairman of Cornerstone, Shannon McGinley, has endorsed Ovide Lamontagne and serves on both his Women Leadership Team and Hillsborough County Leadership Team. Additionally, the Chairman of Cornerstone hosted an event for Lamontagne at her house, and just today Shannon posted on her Facebook page the following statement:

Ovide Lamontagne for U.S. Senate!! He shares my passion for the sanctity of human life at all stages or status and embraces the sanctity of marriage and that all children deserve a mother and a father.”

To claim that we are coordinating with an organization that is led by someone who is actively working against our campaign is not only illogical, but untrue. The facts in this case do not indicate any campaign is coordinating with Cornerstone or the National Organization for Marriage.

One could caustically ask:

: "Does that mean that Kelly disagrees with Cornerstone?  Do they now disavow a Pro-Life agenda?    Or Traditional Marriage?  

To be fair, I went to Kelly’s site and wanted to do a search on her site – problem is, I didn’t spot a SEARCH capability.  I did go to her Issues page and looked at the Healthcare page – no mention of Pro-life or Pro-choice.  Nothing that I could find on Pro-Traditional Marriage either (went to her Press page and saw nothing on the California Prop 8 decision, so who knows?

On the other hand, Ovide’s positions are here on Life and I know I’ve got Ovide on tape on traditional marriage….hmmm, somewhere around here.  Great another task to add to the list…

Result:  Boxing gloves for Binnie and Ayotte, and popcorn for Ovide and the rest of us!


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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