Another message to US Senator from NH, Judd Gregg

by Don

Dear Senator ,

Please oppose the appointment of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court.  

It is time for the Senate to re-consider the criteria for any Federal Judge and to consider if our country is to be ruled by the rule of law or the whims of a few men (and women) on the Supreme Court.  Electing a person to be the US President is not authorization to replace the US Constitution with the President’s political philosophy.

The Constitution describes the authorities of the US Government as granted by the citizens of the United States and the specific rights of the people.  The US Constitution identifies how the Constitution is to be amended and these methods are difficult because the Constitution and its amendments are to represent the thoughtful granting of authorities and identification of rights that are accepted and intended by the vast majority of the American people.  The identified methods of modifying the Constitution do NOT include the whim of a US President or of his Supreme Court appointees, nor do they include modification based on foreign laws.

Like Judge Bolton in the Arizona case, Elena Kagan will substitute her ideas for the authorities intended by the American people.  And, she will follow in the tradition of those Supreme Court judges who approved of slavery, “separate by equal”, the round-up and imprisonment of Japanese Americans during WWII, the  acceptance of lies that led to the warping of the Commerce clause that gave the government way more powers than intended or authorized by the American people, the Kelo decision, and on and on, every time the Supreme Court decided it has more authority than the American people.

Hopefully you still believe in the rule of law, not the rule of men.  If so, you will oppose the appointment of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court and oppose the appointment of any Federal Judge who will adjudicate based on this personal desires rather than based on the authorities granted and the rights identified by the American people.

I hope you will side with the American people and vote against Elena Kagan.


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