Finally – the last of the videos that we took at the RightOnline conference – and yes, this was a "busman’s holiday" – given the opportunity to go, the decision was made to go to work. This post:
- Tim Phillips, President of Americans for Prosperity
- Dr. Joe Heck, Congressional candidate from Nevada
- Steve Eggleston of NoRunnyEggs
First, Tim Phillips talking about wealth redistribution and that the fight still goes on, and must go on, concerning Obamacare as the freedom to make our own about our own decisions is at stake:
Next is Steve who is walking encyclopedia on all things politics in his state of Wisconsin. He talks at length about the Congressional and Senatorial races in WI:
And since my interview with him, I’ve come across some info on the races in Wisconsin:
Ron Johnson is now polling AHEAD of Russ Feingold in the Senatorial race.
Was he right, or was he wrong – watch the video and decide!
And then Chuck Muth, Nevada conservative activist, introduces Dr. Joe Heck; befitting his status as a Col. in the US Army Reserves, his campaign theme for Nevada’s 3rd District is called Operation New Direction against the Democrat incumbent, Dina "Tax-us" Titus. You bet – change from the Change that the Progressives brought that no one wants!
Sidebar: is it just me, or can a more inane label could not be found in politics than Progressives? It should be ridiculed as much as the other label from which they run from, Liberal, for both represent, in the end, nothing more than an idea as old as humanity – the rule of a few against the freedom of the many.