Well, with Steve, Tom, and Tim arriving on scene, I’m going to be doing a bit less blogging and a bit more tinkering with the site for a while – which means things may go screwy around here from time to time (‘gosh durn it, what did I do THIS time??? THAT wasn’t supposed to happen…") as I start playing with the look and feel of the ‘Grok.
Some of it will be visible as we’ll be moving some stuff around within the present three column layout, maybe collapse to just two columns, maybe try four for a couple new ideas – you get the picture. I also want to add some new features (like the new ‘Grok calendar, tie into the social media stuff, perhaps a forum, et al)….and some will be below the hood (like a better, faster search capability, and update the backend that we use for entering posts and manage the place).
And since weekends is when I have the most contingious time, that’s when I’ll be most dangerous.
Oh yeah, we do full backups every nite for when I really mess up….
I’ll put up some advance warnings before I go play with anything big…(heh!) if I remember….