Factoid – Tyranny does not come just at the point of a gun – sometimes, pen and paper work just as well

by Skip

From Big Government (emphasis mine):

President Obama has continued this expansion of executive power.  He has given a great amount of power to unelected bureaucrats within the executive branch and has then, in effect, created law via the regulatory process.  No Congressional approval was sought for any of these actions.

Congress is finally fighting back.  When introducing the REINS Act, Congressman Davis shared this disturbing information:

Last year, the federal government issued 3,316 new rules and regulations.  That is roughly 1.6 rules per working hour or 12.8 rules per working day!  In many instances, federal rules impose substantial compliance costs on individuals, businesses, and State and local governments.  Rules with at least $100 million of annual compliance cost or effect on the economy are classified as “Major Rules.”  In 2009, federal agencies issued 78 Major Rules.

The regulatory process has increasingly ceded power to unelected bureaucrats for major decisions that can affect all Americans.  Take for example the Democrats’ government takeover of health care.  This poorly drafted legislation repeatedly requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to create regulations in areas ranging from what is required for “qualifying health plans” to the determination and disclosure of nutritional information for standard menu items in restaurants.

The American people agree. In February, a CNN poll found that 56% of Americans believe the federal government is so large that it threatens the freedoms of ordinary citizens.  It is time for Congress to assert its Constitutional role in federal governance.

The key for me?

The regulatory process has increasingly ceded power to unelected bureaucrats for major decisions that can affect all Americans.

Liberalism at its finest – bureaucracy for all – and they do mean all.  This Congress, Democrat led, will probably go down in history as the most willing to give its power and responsibility to the Executive branch.  Even now, they have little gumption to stand up and make the hard decision they were elected to make.

Are we starting to see a repeat of history – look what happened when the Roman Senate did the same…


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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