Congresswoman Shea Porter calls attendees at Seacoast GOP gathering "teabaggers." Buckles the Clown, AKA Dem Party Chair Ray Buckley calls Jack Kimball, who will be announcing a bid for the GOP nomination for Governor, part of the "radical fringe." Both know NOTHING about the people they criticize.
It’s no surprise Ms. Che Porter would say such a thing, though. What do you expect from a member of Congress who thinks the Constitution "didn’t cover everything" that lives in fear of any real contact with constituents? She wouldn’t know a "teabagger" if one slapped her in the face…
As for Dem chair Buckles the Clown, well just watch this lovely video of him in action and then ask yourself who’s on the "radical fringe"… [CAUTION, contains GRAPHIC nastiness]
We suspect that Buckles, unlike Shea Porter actually DOES know what a "teabagger" is…