As bad as Barney Frank is, at least he has the guts to face the people…


Give Barney Frank, the infamous Congressman from Massachusetts, credit– at least he has given his constituents a chance to see him in person and engage in face to face dialogue debate shout-downs. Unlike our own Democratic representatives here in NH, who continue to play whack-a-mole with the people, Frank gets it on. Now, don’t get me wrong– I KNOW the guy won’t listen to those who beg him not to vote "yes" on nationalizing healthcare– but at least he’s open and up front about it, and willing to endure the heat… and he’s from MASSACHUSETTS! The cowardly Jeanne Shaheen, ever the artful dodger when it comes to uncontrolled public appearances, and the equeally gutless duo of Paul Hodes and Carol Shea Porter ought to be ashamed of themselves being from New Hampshire, the "First in the Nation" primary state where "pressing the flesh" with politicos is cherished above all else.

Fox 25 out of Boston shows us what Granite Staters are missing out on. Of course, can anyone imagine Shaheen, Hodes, OR Shea Porter even remotely engaging citizens in such fashion? I can’t. They have no argument, and they know it. Barney Frank might be able to keep getting elected being devoid of one, but here in NH, the voters WILL wise up one day and show these sub-par politicians the exit door they so richly deserve.

The first video shows a combative Frank dissing the Iraq War, claiming we could pay for health care no problem if it weren’t for the war. The questioner attempts to ask an intelligent question, which, as you can see, is problematic for the long-time congressman.

This one shows one particular questioner comparing the proposed health care plan to that of Nazi Germany:

This one is the report that ran on the evening news. Kudos to the Fox 25 team for excellent coverage.

I can’t believe I find myself wishing our NH representatives would do ANYTHING to emulate Barney Frank. My, how low we have fallen here in the Granite State…Cry



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