As promoted here on the ‘Grok last week, this past Friday July 17th featured protests outside local offices of US congressional representatives here in the Granite State and elsewhere throughout the country.
Our friend Jack Kimball of the Granite State Patriots tells us about the Seacoast action:
Just got back from the protest at CSP & Jeanne Shaheen’s offices in Dover. Here’s a quick report: We had around 40 – 50 people in front af CSP’s office and another 20-25 in front of Shaheens.
WE also had around 12 SEIU/ACORN agitators and we smothered them. They had their little chants and rants going such as "health care for all" etc. But, we came up with a few of our own such as "no gov’t health care" and "Carol Shea Porter, you’re FIRED". We also came up with "Bye, Bye, Carol" (similar to the Red Sox cheer).
According to the Capitol City event organizer Omer Ahern, about 35 people attended as participants in the Hodes/Concord TEA Party, with some folks going up to the Congressman’s office to hand-deliver letters expressing opposition to the nationalization of our health-care system.
Meanwhile, down in the Queen City…
Our friend Jane reports that the Manchester offices of Senator Shaheen featured some 25 or so people. The highlight was a huge sign featuring the now-famous organizational chart of Gov’t. Health Care.
The same sign was spotted nearby at Shea Porter’s office, too:
As you can see, there is no question that NH’s Democratic contingent of national representatives have been sent the message that not everyone’s on board with the notion of socialized medicine, or anything else, for that matter. The big question is, will they listen to their constituents here at home in the Granite State, or their buds down in Washington DC?
Read more by clicking here to read the report posted at the NH Tea Party Coalition website. The natives are getting restless…