As I’ve noted before, when pondering instances of tragic school campus slaughter, or any mass shooting incident for that matter, I always come up with the same conclusion: The only defense against some random nut crashing into a classroom or other place with guns blazing is to have somebody in the room packing heat and trained to shoot back. Sure, there still may be some initial injuries or even death, but the number might be kept to a minimum if potential victims turned the tables on such an attacker. After all– what is a "gun free zone" to an attacker but an easy target?
Some news from Michigan shows that at least one college is taking a step, albeit a small one, in the direction that makes sense. From WSBT News, via the NRA on Facebook:
Michigan State University has approved an exception to its campus weapons ban allowing people with permits to carry concealed weapons to walk or drive through campus with a gun.
This is certainly welcome news, and we hope that this is the start of a trend that will ultimately spread across the Nation. My children, both of whom will sit in college classrooms this year, as it stands right now, remain basically defenseless is the face of rampage event. After all, if would-be murderous crazies knew they faced a high possibility of being greeted with return fire, they might think twice before attempting their twisted acts in the first place, thus actually REDUCING gun violence by the addition of MORE guns.
Sadly, that isn’t fully the case in Michigan, despite the decision. WSBT News further reports:
Guns still are banned inside campus buildings and sports stadiums.
THAT needs to change next…