Senator Shaheen,
As one of the coordinators of the recent tea party gathering in Manchester, I heard many comments about the price of gas and whether proposals in the president’s budget plan would cause fuel costs to increase. I believe there is a good deal of concern among residents and small business owners in this area that if the administration continues on its current path gas will again hit the $4 per gallon price we saw last summer. No one can afford this!
The Waxman-Markey Bill is just the latest piece of legislation that showcases the weaknesses of Cap and Trade — truly a shell game. As the ‘mother of all pork bills;’ Congressional leadership in Washington are carving out CO2 allowances — offering up billions of dollars in free emission credits to favored industries.
And here we thought the plan was to reduce emissions. Instead Congress offers selected freebees for some, leaving only punitive climate taxes upon the industries of their choosing.
Each New Hampshire family has experienced significant setbacks and now we have our House Reps Hodes and Shea-Porter positioning a bill that will seek to curb Carbon footprints; but who benefits and who pays?
If it’s just for a few select industries; is this a well thought out plan?
Is this type of change Paul Hodes and Carol Shea-Porter joined with you to accomplish last campaign season?
We need more clarity on costs and less gaming from the ‘Cap and Trade’ mission in Washington. We’ve just been through a financial meltdown brought about by unaccountable, non-transparent trading of complex derivatives — all endorsed by legislative action as propery lending practices. Why would anyone take a national climate policy down this road? A policy that takes from one hand and cuts off the other leaves us more than empty handed in the whole scheme.
Cap and Trade gaming strategizes a plan to reduce carbon by trusting a government agency for carbon emissions credits – what do they know about production and supply cost? They no nothing!! This is definitely a ‘know-nothing’ Congress. Wasn’t it the government’s ignorance that caused the mortgage meltdown?
This is just unacceptable.
Who are these ‘Cap and Traders’ to decide which businesses can operate properly on some bureaucrat’s idea carbon output? Any climate policy that is not transparent, accountable and unaffordable for the American people cannot be an option.
Please work with our House Delegation (Rep. Paul Hodes and Carol Shea Porter) to defeat the Waxman-Markey Bill. New Hampshire simply cannot afford it and knows better than to put the sham Waxman-Markey Bill burden upon the New Hampshire taxpaying family.