Taxpayer Tea Party Agenda Update


taxpayer tea party

NHAC to hold Taxpayer Tea Party with 700 hundred of their closest friends

Concord, NH- The New Hampshire Advantage Coalition in cooperation with cosponsoring groups from across the state will host a NH Taxpayer Tea Party. The Taxpayer Tea Party will include local leaders, who will be speaking, a sign contest for the best sign determined by a judging panel, and a non-perishable food drive to benefit New Horizons.

“The message of these ‘Tea Parties’ is simple, low spending equals low taxes. Our government taxes too much and spends too much; it is time for a real change of attitude in our state house and in our capitol”.

The New Hampshire Advantage Coalition works with grassroots activists across the state on local and state spending issues, and works at the State government level to fight against sales or income tax, the creation of new taxes, and increases in current taxes on New Hampshire Taxpayers.

Sponsors: NHAC, Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers, Cornerstone Policy Research, Granite State Taxpayers, Granite State Patriots,, NH Federation of Republican Women, Manchester GOP, NH Citizens for Leadership, Glenn Beck 9-12 Project NH, NH Reagan Network, NH Liberty Alliance, Americans for Prosperity NH, Americans for Limited Government, National Taxpayers Union, Murphy’s Taproom, NSP Graphics and Portsmouth Tea Company

  • Rally with local speakers, sign contest, video contest, non-perishable food drive.
  • April 15th @ 5:30 pm 
  • Victory Park, Manchester NH 119 Concord St.
  • Event Start Time: 5:45 pm
Speaker list, in order of appearance:

Event Invocation: The Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear 2 mins

Pledge of Allegiance: Christine Peters, NH Federation of Republican Women

National Anthem: Kevin Smith Cornerstone Policy Research

Welcome: Hon. Frank Guinta, Mayor of Manchester 5 mins

Tom Thomson 3 min.

CNHT Ed Naile 3min

Jennifer Horn 5 mins National Spending

GraniteGrok Doug Lambert, Skip Murphy 3mins

Charlie Arlinghaus, Josiah Bartlett Public Policy Center (State Spending) 5mins

Granite State Patriots Jack Kimball 3mins

Ken Merrifield (Local Spending) 5 mins

Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear 3 mins

Manchester GOP Will Infantine 3 mins

New Hampshire Liberty Alliance Hon. Dan Itse, 5 mins

NH 9-12 Project Lisa Gravel, Monty, and Pam Smith 3 mins

Corey Lewandowski Americans for Prosperity 3mins

Stephen Stepanek Granite State Taxpayers 3 mins

Former Rep. Marilinda Garcia 3 mins

Dan Dumaine NH Citizens for Leadership 3 mins

Christine Peters NH Federation of Republican Women 3 mins

Kevin Smith Cornerstone Policy 3 mins

George Lovejoy, NHAC 3 mins

Announce Sign Contest winners CASH PRIZE 3 mins




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