Meet the New Press- Podcast for 06/07/08

by Doug
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Week of 06/07/08
(Click here for accompanying links)

Hour 1                                        Hour 2

Hour One:

Interview – NH 2nd Congressional District candidate Republican Jim Steiner stopped by the MTNP studios for a conversation with Doug & Skip. The discussion went from his military career as a Green Beret through his years as a small business owner and a stint on the state Board of Education. Hear Jim describe why he’s the 20-20-20 candidate. We also talked about the topic on most peoples’ minds these days: energy.

Discussing the Wolfeboro flag removal lawsuit flap. Blue Star Mother Sue Peterson checks in with an update on the latest news regarding the attempted legal attempt to have the flags on the lighted poles in Wolfeboro removed. Sue fills us in on the hundreds of outraged military families nationwide and the plan to send the plaintiff many flags in the mail. Click here for the latest on this sorry affair.

Talking about our attempt to convince Manchester Mayor Frank Guinta to throw his hat in the ring for the GOP nomination to take out Governor Lynch and preserve the NH Advantage.

Hour Two:

Education-palooza! Doug and Skip welcome Jane Aitken and Ann Marie Banfield into the studio for a full hour of talk about the insidious UN-inspired programs and curriculae reaching into our local government school classrooms. International Baccalaureate Programme, "Follow the Child", and the removal of "middle class values" are among the topics of our derision. Standards? What standards? Also, we talked about math, geometry, and how to analyze what is actually being "taught" in your childrens’ schools. We also talked about what is meant these days by school "reform" and exactly who the "reformers" really are. Introducing "Dr. Quagmire."Wink    Part One. Part Two. Part Three. Part Four.   [Full hour here]




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