Did you know “they” lie about who really engineered and built the pyramids, too?



What does one even make of the white-on-black conspiracy theories that are suddenly all the rage? First we had Barack Obama’s 20-year pastor claiming AIDS and crack were perpetrated on American blacks by a government hell-bent on their desruction. Now comes the latest "mainstream" character claiming wild stories of intrigue. From The Sun (UK):

SOUL star ALICIA KEYS has bizarrely claimed the US government invented ‘gangsta rap’ to convince black people to kill each other.

Keys, 27, said the violent hip-hop style was an anti-black conspiracy. The American, who has sold 25 million albums worldwide, believes the government encouraged the 1990s murders of rappers TUPAC SHAKUR and NOTORIOUS B.I.G.

She told a magazine: “The murders were fuelled to stop a great black leader from existing.”

And I alway thought hip hop was a conspiracy perpetrated by otherwise talentless thugs to fleece money from their fellow brothers and sisters. I had no idea!

How could we not bestow GraniteGrok’s prestigious "Dope of the Week" award for this one?



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