Starting Saturday morning at 9 am!

Following up on our post about the best defense against some nut showing up at school with guns blazing, Samuel Keene-Rudolph, the media liason for Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC) checks in to let people know that not everybody wants to go down without a fight. Mr. Keene-Rudoph is a 21-year old senior journalism student at Winona State University in Winona, Minn. and an infantryman with the Army National Guard. The SCCC is a national, non-partisan, grassroots organization comprised of over 19,000 college students, college faculty members, parents of college students, and concerned citizens (about 90% college students and 10% faculty, parents, and concerned citizens) who support the right of concealed handgun license holders to carry concealed handguns on college campuses. In the wake of recent school shootings, such as the massacre at Virginia Tech, SCCC contends it is now abundantly clear that “gun free zones” serve to disarm only those law-abiding citizens who might be able to mitigate such tragedies.
Back in the thick of the GOP primary, Skip and I heard from Katie Harbath many times is the course of the day for months on end. That’s because she was Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s deputy e-campaign director while he was still in the race. Katie hooked us up with a number of excellent guests for the radio program in support of Hizzoner’s bid for the nomination. Presently a director at the DCI Group’s Online Services division, Ms. Harbath will fill us in on life after the campaign, and give us her thoughts as we head on into the general campaign. We’ll do some comparisons between John McCain and Barack Obama, and what needs to happen as the Republicans gear up to face the "movement of hope"… She’ll also fill us in on the upcoming Institute for Politics and Democracy’s 2008 Politics Online Conference and the discussion about the use of social networking strategies during the present political campaign season. What worked, and what didn’t? Katie is a panelist and will preview.
Former Laconia Mayor Thomas A. Tardif drops by to chat about the proposed Belknap County budget and its hit against the taxpayers that’s got everybody buzzing. We’ll discuss the flawed procedures (again!) used by the County Convention and question why they need borrowing authority and what law gives the authority. Yep– this is the same bunch that Tom and I are facing in the NH Supreme Court over Right-to-Know law violations.
March is here, which means Town Meetings and local elections are upon us. Once again, given that it’s on the ballot in many towns here in Central NH, we’ll talk about the benefits of adopting the Official Ballot (SB2) method of voting for local matters. While the opponents are crying to high Heaven, the fact remains that by accepting this change at town and school district meetings, NOTHING REALLY CHANGES except that the final decisions are made in the privacy of a booth with all day voting and the opportunity to vote absentee. Oh, and participation goes way up…
The Granite State Fair Tax Coalition declined our offer to join us on the show to defend their "anti-taxpayer pledge" warrant article appearing on 88 town warrants this year here in the Granite State. As we have noted in prior postings, this is nothing more than a means to demonize our present form of property tax driven government funding system with a new, broad based tax, thus destroying the NH Advantage.