This is a helpful bit of advice from my wife on how to cook turkey for a turkey like me. After years of loathing these occasional dinners, my better half discovered the cure. I figured this would be better to post BEFORE Thanksgiving Day itself in case you might want to give this a whirl. From Gigi:
My favorite method for turkey is to cook the bird upside down . It makes the whole thing so moist– with no basting required.
Prep your tukey with spice and rub with butter and olive oil. Place quartered apples, oranges, onions, carrots and celery in the cavity. You may use just the fruit or just vegetables. This provides flavor and moisture from within, steaming all the while it cooks. Close cavity up and place the bird upside down in a deep turkey pan and cover. Cook in the oven for desired time depending on the size of your bird. Allow to rest for 20 minutes, then remove very carefully. The meat will pull off the bone (Unless it falls off on its own, as it most likely will do. Mmmm!). If you want the skin to be crispy you may flip your tukey over for the last 20 minutes– although, this could be difficult, due to the fact the meat might fall from the bone, as noted above.Enjoy!This is a great recipe for the non turkey lovers, my husband does not like turkey but enjoys this meal every year. Thanksgiving has always been a special time with our children to reflect on the many blessings in our lives...In the Lords Prayer we ask the Lord to “give us this day our daily bread.” Every day we have food to eat is itself a blessing from the God. So take this time to thank Him for each and every day. "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad!"