Dope(s) of the Week. A Two-fer.



Monkeys see no evil


NH DOT officials checking internal compliance & performance.
This week the judges here at GraniteGrok have decided to award our prestigious "Dope of the Week Award" to a pair of richly deserving recipients– both former NH DOT commisars commisioners. On the state DOT workers dumping hazardous materials on job sites and state land scandal, came this from the Concord Monitor:
Former Commission Carol Murray, who led the department for seven years, says sometimes workers’ focus to get the job done means they turn a blind eye to environmental violations. Former Commissioner Leon Kenison says he remembers ordering workers to stop illegal dumping, only to be ignored.
Ms. Murray, please… stop! I’m laughing so hard I nearly threw my back out! Have you ever considered a career as a comedienne? And you, Mr. Kenison, you were so concerned you ordered the lawbreakers to stop breaking the law… and they didn’t stop, and you were in charge, so then you did WHAT? [insert cricket-chirps here]


Laughing Guys

By Doug 



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