Easter Bunnies need not apply…

Every so often, a story comes along that really makes you wonder if it can possibly be true at all. You know, a tidbit so deliciously obvious in proving some point that it must be made up. Most of these stories tend to be related to either political correctness or culture. So it is with this gem from the Providence Journal [via a heads-up phone call from my mother-in law, Jeanne Pepin, who lives in RI]:

In show of sensitivity, schools chief renames Easter events

TIVERTON — The Easter Bunny was to have made a stop at a craft fair at the Tiverton Middle School tomorrow, appearing for photos with students as part of a fundraising effort sponsored by the school’s Parent-Teacher Council.
But Schools Supt. William Rearick called a halt to the use of the word “Easter” at a school event, just as the word “Christmas” is out of bounds in school publications and activities.
Instead of the Easter Bunny, the Parent-Teacher Council booth will offer photos with Peter Rabbit.
Supt. Rearick must be a real drag to have over for dinner at the holidays, I’d bet. And make no mistake, this guy’s thorough:
Similarly, Rearick said, he has told officials of the Tiverton Land Trust that a flier inviting children to an egg hunt cannot include the word “Easter.” Rearick said he planned to review the proposed wording — which a Land Trust official said does not include the word “Easter” — before deciding whether students can take the flier home. Rearick said yesterday,

“We’re trying to walk a fine line between promoting any religion” while permitting celebrations.

“I don’t like the term ‘politically correct,’ ” Rearick said, but during the last year and a half or two years, he has become “more aware of folks who don’t have a Christian background.”
What can I possibly add to this story? How many souls has the Easter Bunny saved? How many people actually associate this fictional icon with religion, especially these days? The actions and words of Supt. Rearick DEMAND that GraniteGrok present him the prestigious "Dope of the Week Award".
The Catholic League weighs in here with more information and a little humor thrown in to illustrate the silliness of the whole affair.


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