NH’s “Waco”?

The ongoing saga of the Plainfield, NH couple fighting charges in court for tax evasion has taken a turn for the worst. Ed and Elaine Brown, believers in the notion that there is no legal federal income tax, have been in the news as their case went to court recently, where it is claimed they owe over $625,000 in unpaid taxes and withholdings.
After several incidents in the courtroom, last Friday, the Browns decided not to appear any more, claiming the court was nothing more than a "kangaroo court." Today, the Concord Monitor reports, Elaine is seeking the help of a lawyer and looking to see what she must do to obtain a plea bargain. Ed, on the other hand, has barricaded himself into his home, vowing a fight to the death to defend himself, if he has to.
"You attack my property, it’s going to get really violent," Brown said yesterday. "I don’t care who it is."

I know Ed Brown from many years back. He was the only person I’d ever met that carried a copy of The Constitution and the Federalist Papers upon his person at all times… in addition to a firearm. His knowledge and interpretation of these important Founding documents always amazed me. (Keep in mind that, at that time I was apolitical for the most part) So did his deep distrust of the government in general.

What is sad is where this has all ended up– A man barricaded in his house, threatening a violent response to any attempts on the part of government officials at getting to him, with supporters showing up to join him in his defense. Where will it all end? Hopefully with nobody getting hurt.

Why did it turn out this way? And who is in the wrong here? While I admit that I don’t like paying my taxes, and don’t like some of what it supports, I don’t think Ed’s way is the answer. Our Founders left us with a political system of government designed to fight "wars" by another means instead of with arms. This is where the fight rightly belongs. But then again, the Browns do have a point in that they just want to be left alone– to live peaceably, free of "harrassment" by the government– And certainly, since the time of our Founding and the ratification of the Constitution, that government has grown. The question is where one draws that line. Can one be completely free from any attachment to the government? I think not. Should one fight for what’s right? Absolutely. Not this way,though. Again from the Monitor:

"As for me, give me liberty or give me death," he said to one of his supporters on the phone yesterday, quoting Patrick Henry.

Godspeed Ed. Just don’t do anything (else) foolish.


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