Terrorism solved. It’s the stereotyping, stupid!

by Doug
In this prior posting , I reported on an assistant professor here in a NH college who believes that terrorism can be solved if only we would
move away from our stereotypes and start seeing each other as human beings, and learn to empathize.
It appears this silliness is not confined to some nutty professor at some backwoods, 2-bit school of "higher learning." The Daily Mail (UK) reports  

The first Muslim to be crowned Miss England has warned that stereotyping members of her community is leading some towards extremism.

Really? Let me get this straight- Most modern terror attacks are perpetrated by MUSLIMS. A society, in order to protect itself, must look to the most likely source of the problem as a means of prevention. We are expected to believe that because of these undisputed facts, and because a sharper eye is being cast on those most likely commit acts of terror, we are actually the CAUSE? Yeah, right. Whatever. The piece about the Muslim beauty queen continues:

She said: "The attitude towards Muslims has got worse over the year. Also the Muslims’ attitude to British people has got worse."

It wouldn’t have anything to do with last July’s commuter bombings or the recent plan to blow up airliners midflight, would it? Of course not…

"Even moderate Muslims are turning to terrorism to prove themselves. They think they might as well support it because they are stereotyped anyway."

"Tony Blair addressed Muslims in particular, telling them that they need to sort out the problem within. That was a huge stereotype of the Islamic community. Even the more moderate Muslims have been stereotyped negatively and feel they have to take actions to prove themselves.

Can you imagine the gall of Tony Blair, asking these people to find the radicalized potential terrorists hiding among them? How dare he!

At least now we know the "root" cause of terrorism- it’s been us all along! If only we stopped asking and looking, the terrorists (that many Muslims deny even exist) would disappear!


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