Axis of Evil Summit in Cuba. Deja-Vue Again.

by Doug
The Washington Times reports on what I call the "Axis of Evil Summit" wrap-up in Havana, Cuba with the requisite America-bashing we have come to expect from this bunch. Additionally,  the attendees backed Iran’s "peaceful" nuclear program. No real surprise there, either.
Developing countries yesterday wrapped up a multinational summit with North Korea charging that U.S. threats drove it to acquire deterrent atomic weapons and Iran winning solid support for its nuclear ambitions. Iran, Venezuela and Cuba joined North Korea in leading efforts to forge an anti-U.S. alliance. Summit leaders, in a statement on Iran, "reaffirmed the basic and inalienable right of all states to develop research, production and use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes."
Of course, it’s all OUR fault that these countries seek the weapons of mass destruction. Seeing the writing on the wall regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions, given President Bush’s resolve in his pledge to prevent that country’s development of atomic weapons, the collected rogue regime leaders
warned that any attack or threat against any nuclear facility used for peaceful purposes was a violation of international law.
Since when does Iran, Cuba, and North Korea care about "international law?" Only when pointing fingers at the US, naturally.
As I noted in past postings, the sides are being drawn in the new world war, and enemy players include countries right in our own hemisphere.

What do you suppose the following point from the Times’ article means?
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, with his penchant for banter and controversy, dominated the summit opening Friday, pledging support for Iran if it is attacked by the United States.
As one looks ahead down the road, prospects look grim for a quick, easy solution to the problems that began to arise starting with the Islamic revolution in Iran and the taking of US hostages that remains, to this day, unanswered. When the real "shooting" starts, things could be messy even here, close to home in our own hemispere.
To think that Cuba, Venezuela, and other South American characters will remain on the sidelines is wishful thinking at best.
One last point….
What we witnessed this past week was certainly not a new development, and the involvement of Cuba should surprise no one. "Oh but Doug, Cuba might have been (and still be) trouble because of their communist ideology. They’re not really a part of today’s war with the terrorists. They don’t have much to do with terrorism."
Actually, they have been at the very center of international terrorism for a long time. UPI’s Arnaud De Borchgrave wrote in the 1986 book, Terrorism- How the West Can Win:
In May 1978 I saw a top-secret French intelligence report which documented in detail the links between the Cuban intelligence service (DGI) and various Western European terrorist groups. The introductory paragraph of this report read
The analysis of intelligence collected since 1972 establishes the international solidarity of revolutionary movements in different countries. The terror activity of some of them stems from the Tri-Continental Conference held in Havana in January 1966. By 1972 the structures of this terrorist international became operational. The mother cell was in Cuba at the headquarters of the Tri-Continental Organization of People’s Solidarity, which the Soviets control through the Cuban secret service. This center coordinates the actions of various "anti-imperialist" movements in the Third World, as well as European terrorist groups…
The Soviets may be gone, but others have surely stepped in to fill their vacated Cuban shoes. Reading the above analysis from some twenty years ago, and comparing it to the events of last week in Havana, one can see that not much has changed- other than the coordination and "solidarity" of the various terror networks (controlled, in some cases by several of the summit’s attendees) has grown in strength and sophistication. For Cuba, it’s business as usual- deja-vue all over again. 


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