OK, a bit off the regular ‘Grok fare…but with the Superbowl coming up

Wings.  Chicken wings.  Taste good, look good – create mess.  Wonderful for Superbowl fare.  Normally, great for napkin / paper towel manufacturers too! If you’re apt to combine the Superbowl and wings, well, this video is here for you: “this is how to eat a chicken wing with one hand with little to no mess. … Read more

Hilliary says Syria can’t do what the Democrat party does? Every day?

I really had to shake my head over this, I really can’t believe that Hillary Clinton actually said this: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday accused the Syrian regime of a “divide-and-conquer strategy” aimed at setting the country’s religious and ethnic groups against each other. Really?  The leading Democrat women in the nation actually … Read more

Kate Miller needs a dictionary read to her to realize that “do nothing” is not a “further intrusion” (HB1659)

Both Steve and I had posts on HB1658, so when a local Democrat, Kate Miller (rather frustrated from having been tossed from the NH House in 2010 and has been writing very shrewish Letters to the Editor ever since) decided to decry even more “intrusion” into womens’ lives, I could not help myself:

“Laughter does the soul good”, or so the old adage goes. In that case, my soul is well indeed, especially after reading the latest dismalocumentary from Kate Miller (who seemingly is still smarting after being thrown out of the NH House for being a Democrat extremist by voters in 2010). Her personal jeremiad in attempting to paint the Republicans to where she’s already been cast borders on hysterical these last few months! One would think that she works in a plastics factory (the way she keeps grasping at straws)!

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So, Obamessiah is deciding he is the new King Nebuchadnezzar? All bow to King The One, as he tosses religious freedom under his chariot?

From RedState:  “Conscience is the most sacred of all property.”  (James Madison)

The First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Are we Christians next to be tossed into Obama’s secular version of the Fiery Furnace simply for holding to religiously based beliefs other than what he is trying to establish with his latest Obamacare ruling? Certainly the Roman Catholic Church is square in his gunsights of the new Obamacare regulations set by Health and Human Services Sebelius.  Yet, does not Obama understand that religious freedom was a prime impetus for the establishment of our country?  Or just ignoring it to consolidate his power as he did in direct opposition to the Constitution when he has appointed unaccountable czars, has made “recess” appointments by unilaterally declaring the Senate in recess (even as it was not), and unilaterally changed large swaths of how Americans have to behave (shades of tin-plated despots everywhere).  And all he has to do is use his Executive levers of powers of an overlarge Federal Government that has grown from the laziness of a Congress that refuses to take up its own responsibilities under and to the Constitution?

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Thanks the Lord for CO2

(H/T: RightWingNews)

Letter to the Editor – Professor Leo Sandy is wrong on all counts

His two Letter are after the jump – here is my Letter discussing his “points”:

Leo Sandy may be “amused by writers who chide me for violating bad laws” but I’m reduced to guffaws at his latest letters attempts to not only re-write history but also declare what are enforceable laws and facts. For an Education Professor, he proves his need for his own remedial tutoring.

While he does not care for the fact that the U.S. is yet still a sovereign nation, this remains a non-negotiable fact. I remind him that although we participate in the UN and some UN treaties, we have not as of yet ceded that sovereignty (a fact that must raise his one-world angst often). Thus, the U.S. does not need permission from the UN in advancing its own interests (which stray far, thankfully, from Dr. Leo’s).

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Occupy Oakland goes all – true to form?

Well, being one of the first of the Occupy sites to go “all riot” back in November where Occupy Oakland participants decided that they had the right to trash other peoples’s real property in protesting the 1%.  Certainly, the Occupy Wall Street has been, ahem, much more ‘active’ in the streets with the police by … Read more

Rightwingnews: Pre-Florida Conservative blogger Presidential Poll

John Hawkins over at RightWingNews does a lot of polling of Conservative blogsites and the ‘Grok as picked to participate in his latest one.  One day ahead of the Florida Presidential Primary, he wanted to know where over 250 bloggers stood on the remaining candidates:

Right Wing News polled more than 250 right-of-center bloggers on which candidate they’d support if the 2012 Republican primaries were today. The following 68 bloggers responded:

101 Dead Armadillos, Advice Goddess, Alarming News, Alexa Shrugged, All American Blogger, All That Is Necessary, American Glob, And Rightly So, Argghhhh!, Atlas Shrugs, Batesline, Betsy’s Page, Black and Right, Blonde Sagacity, Bookworm Room, Dodgeblogium, Don Surber, Dr. Helen, Election Projection, Fausta’s Blog, Fraters Libertas, Freeman Hunt, GraniteGrok, IMAO, Isaac Schrodinger, Jeremayakovka, Joanne Jacobs, John Hawkins, Left Coast Rebel, Likelihood of Confusion, Liz Mair, Mean Ol Meany, Melissa Clouthier, Midnight Blue, Milton Wolf, Moonbattery, Mount Virtus, Musing Minds, Neo-Neocon, Newmarks Door, Newsreal, Nice Deb, No Oil For Pacifists, Pal2pal, Pirates Cove, Political Mommentary, Politicalistas, Pundit Boy, Pursuing Holiness, Rightosphere, Russ. Just Russ, Smart Girl Politics, SondraK, Sunshine State Sarah, The Hedgehog Report, The Jawa Report, The Lotus Blog, The Next Right, The Pink Flamingo Bar & Grill, The Smallest Minority, The Sundries Shack, The TrogloPundit, This Ain’t Hell, WILLisms, Weapons of Mass Discussion, Wintery knight, YidwithLid, mountaineer musings

Here’s how the results broke down:

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Data Point: Reagan vs Obama

Over the first 10 quarters of each President’s recovery: Obama Reagan GDP 6% 15% Job creation 790,000 7,500,000 real disposable personal income 0.80% 5.40% No, neither President can actually create jobs or personal wealth; all they can really do is set the stage / create an environment in which they can be created by the … Read more

Notable Quote – Spike Lee

On being called the next Dr. Bill Cosby (noted black entertainer who berates the black community on it culture and on education issues): “I am from the pre-crack generation. When I was growing up, we never, ever, never ridiculed someone because they were a good student,” he said. “Your generation, they now equate intelligence with … Read more

Quick thought on a line from Obama’s political hack, David Axelrod

On Meet The Press, David Axelrod had this to say about Romney and Bain Capital: His philosophy suggests that his emphasis is on creating profit for himself and his partners and his investors and not creating jobs. Er, that would be right.  Socialists believe that the primary role of companies is to supply jobs.  Progressives … Read more

Notable Quote – Thomas Babington Macaulay

“He conceives that the business of the magistrate is not merely to see that the persons and property of the people are secure from attack, but that he ought to be a jack-of-all-trades, architect, engineer, schoolmaster, merchant, theologian, a Lady Bountiful in every parish, a Paul Pry in every house, spying, eavesdropping, relieving, admonishing, spending … Read more

Why should taxpayers be paying for more babies? Who really is the selfish one in all this? Enter stage Right – HB1658

Before getting into the quick discussion of NH HB1658 (“limiting financial assistance for mothers who have additional children while receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF).”) that some Conservative has introduced, how ’bout this for a table setting?  This went viral back in December and while it was shocking to see a single women with 15 kids by 3 “baby daddies”, what was worse was the attitude display by her:

Somebody Needs to Pay For All My Children

Somebody needs to be held accountable, and they need to pay.

(H/T: Weasel Zippers)  The Welfare State gone crazy?  No, it hasn’t.  What is shown here is the actual logical endgame of the Liberal philosophy that allows bad behavior to continue under the guise of “she needs help”. Yes, indeed she does – but not the type I think she requires (think: a humungous dose of traditional morality).  Yes, those children are in a bad situation – no doubt about that.  However in this case,  the Liberal philosophy that places personal sexual / libertine behavior off limits for discussion is shown for the fraud it really is – and the result is now clear that it places lots of children at risk.  Tell me, Libs – how is this result showing “we care more than Conservatives”? There are Progressives that hold the State should not become involved in the intimate life of that woman (except when it is a minor female child – then they have no problem involving Govt in abortions without Parental Notification), but here’s the rub – they have no problem in having the State pay for the consequences of that philosophy.

Except they also expect us all to just pay for the cost of their failed policy. And that is where NH HB1658 comes in.

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Obama – sure he’s all about small business

There’s plenty more where that comes from, right? (H/T: Powerline)

Obama – every day…

(H/T: RedState)

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Data Point – Deleveraging

(H/T: The EnterpriseBlog)

Anytime is a good time for a little American red meat from US Rep. Allen West (R-FL, Army LTC, ret.)

Allen West has become one of the most outspoken US House Reps with a love of the country, and the ideals on which it was created, that is second to no one.  Any time he gives a speech, it is always a “feel good about America” moment – he knows that the enemy never stops:

Longer version of the speech after the jump

(H/T: The Blaze)

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Of the things said at Thursday’s Presidential debate, Rick Santorum said the most important:

Thursday night’s GOP Presidential Debate in Florida was, for the most part, a Mitt-Newt mud fight with their hands tied behind them (re: all they could do was just roll in it).  Lots of dirt to spread around.  However, Rick Santorum made the most of it, and I believe finally was able to lay in a few good licks, especially on ObaneyCare.

But as far as I am concerned, he uttered the most important words of the evening:

When an audience member asked the candidates how their religious beliefs would affect their decisions as President, Santorum turned to the nation’s founding documents to reference the relationship between faith and governance:

“The Constitution is there to do one thing, protect God-given rights,” said Santorum. “That’s what makes America different than every other country in the world.

“When you say ‘faith has nothing to do with it’– faith has everything to do with it,” Santorum went on to say over applause. “If our President believes that rights come to us from the state, everything government gives you, it can take away.

“The role of the government is to protect rights that cannot be taken away.”

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HB1279 – “AN ACT relative to voting rights of certain budget committee members”

From the text of the bill (actually, this is pretty much most of it):  1 Budget Committee Membership. Amend RSA 32:15, I(b) to read as follows:

(b) One member of the governing body of the municipality and, if the municipality is a town, one member of the school board of each school district wholly within the town and one [member] commissioner of each village district wholly within the town, all of whom shall be appointed by their respective boards to serve for a term of one year and until their successors are qualified. Each such member shall serve as a non-voting member and may be represented by an alternate member designated by the respective board, who shall, when sitting, have the same authority as the regular member.

While I was in Concord this week, I ran into ‘Grok, friend NH State Rep. Mark Warden, who is one of the sponsors of the bill and asked him “why the changes for SB2 Budget Committee?” since I have been an elected BudComm member in my hamlet for the past 6 years.  Note: never again will I do an interview in a stairwell – apologies for the poor audio – but that was the only place we could find with decent lighting and a lack of foot traffic):

I also had the chance last night to quickly interview fellow BudComm member, Kevin Leandro, as he had given testimony to Mark Warden’s House Committee:

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Data Point – Results of Obama’s economic leadership

Certainly, as the chart shows, his policies are causing the US to fall below the average trendline. (H/T:  The EnterpriseBlog)

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