Just before the end of the November 9, 2020 meeting of the Manchester Board of School Committee, Mayor Joyce Craig advised the board it needed to go into non-public session. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss an issue with the recently settled contract with the Manchester Education Association.
Rich Girard
“Bad Things Are Happening in Pennsylvania.”
The Trump Campaign released this statement today at 3:08 PM.
President Trump Fights for the Integrity of the Most Important Election of Our Lifetime
The Trump Campaign is taking critical legal actions in Pennsylvania
Trump Campaign Says it Won AZ, PA and the Presidency; Will Recount WI
An emphatic Bill Stepien condemned Fox News’ determination that the campaign of former Vice President Joe Biden has won the state of Arizona in the 2020 presidential election.
Lease on Out of State Voter Nest in Queen City Expires After Election is Over
Out of staters in New Hampshire for temporary work purposes, such as working on a political campaign, aren’t eligible to register for or vote in New Hampshire elections.
Biden the Civil
The “Civility” of Joe Biden A local newspaper recently endorsed Joe Biden’s candidacy for President of these not so United States. Candidly, that didn’t come as a surprise given the paper’s oft expressed contempt for President Donald J. Trump. Clearly, they’re anchor tenants of the Never Trump Movement. While the paper praised President Trump’s “many … Read more
Manchester Charter Question: A Backdoor to School Board Taxing Authority
The question asking Manchester voters to amend the city charter seems simple enough. It reads as follows: SHALL THE CITY OF MANCHESTER APPROVE THE THE CITY CHARTER AMENDMENT SUMMARIZED BELOW CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE SECTION 8.03 PERIODIC REVIEW (a) Not less than once every ten (10) years the board of mayor and aldermen shall cause the … Read more
Manchester Mayor Manipulates Meetings in Advance of Mask Votes
Claiming “high risk” behavior by irresponsible citizens threatens the health of city staff and elected officials, Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig (D-Ward 1) and at-Large Alderman Dan O’Neil (D-Ward 1), Chairman of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, announced that all meetings of the board and its committees will be remote “until further notice.” That announcement … Read more
Principals Trash Manchester School Superintendent, or Did They?
On September 10, 2020, Teamsters Local 633 attorney William R. Cahill, Jr. submitted a “correspondence” from the Association of Manchester Principals (AMP) to Manchester school Superintendent Dr. John Goldhardt. While the letter largely addressed a laundry list of complaints regarding the district’s plan to return to school amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, along with several reasons … Read more
Are Manchester, NH Schools a Bastion of Racism?
Over the past several weeks, there have been multiple articles I could have written about things happening at Manchester City Hall or on Hecker Street (HQ for the Manchester School District). However, the reasons I stepped down from my seat on the Board of School Committee, demands of family and business, have prevented me from … Read more
Petition calls on Bishop Libasci to allow churches to re-open
A petition has been launched (link below) to ask the Most Reverend Peter A. Libasci, Bishop of Manchester, to allow the reopening of churches in the diocese.
Manchester Alderman Worries About Teachers Pay – BOSC Says Show Me the Money!
Special Committee on Negotiations Chairman Richard H. Girard took issue with an email sent by at-Large Alderman Daniel P. O’Neil, Chairman of the Board of Aldermen, about the status of negotiations with the city’s teachers.
Safe Station in Manchester Needs to be Reevaluated
Manchester’s Safe Station initiative has always drawn these kinds of numbers of people from out of the city. This is nothing new. What is concerning, however, is that it appears as if the state’s program might actually be referring people to the city.
Manchester School Board and Teacher’s Union Make Progress
MANCHESTER, NH September 13, 2019– The Manchester Board of School Committee’s Special Committee on Negotiations and the Manchester Education Association’s Negotiations Committee met for nearly three hours on September 11, 2019.
City Year challenged over MLK Day workshops on “Unpacking Whiteness”
On January 4, 2018, I received an email invitation to City Year’s Martin Luther King Day event (right). The subject line of the email was “Free Family Event: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!” Candidly, I thought nothing of it and didn’t open the invitation until after I saw that I’d received multiple inquiries, complaints and statements of indignation about it.