Another strike against Boutin, Stiles and other GOP Senators

abuseguiltyLast week I posted a blog about Governor Hassan treating innocent Granite Staters like drug abusers.  It’s only fair to call out those GOP Senators who sponsored this ridiculous invasion of privacy as well.  So here goes:  Boutin, Stiles, Obamacare Odell (luckily he’s retiring but remember he’s pushing Democrat Donor Jerry ‘knows’ Little in District 8), Bradley,  Carson, Larsen, D’Allesandro and ‘gas taxer’ Rausch (also thankfully retiring but backing Foley) along with Senator John Reagan (who sponsored the overreaching government hackery as a State Rep in 2012).  All of these people should be ashamed of themselves.

This bill will do nothing to stop drug dealers or drug addicts who already break the law but has the potential to hurt innocent people.  The fact that people’s personal health information is in a state database is egregious enough but they are assuming they all have the potential to be drug abusers or dealers.

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Innocent Granite Staters to be treated like drug abusers by Hassan


On Wednesday, Governor Hassan touted a new program in New Hampshire that will collect personal information on certain prescription drug users and store it in a state-controlled database.  The “Prescription Drug Monitoring Program” will be put into place in an attempt to control the behavior of the small percentage of Granite Staters who are drug addicts.  Meanwhile, the personal and private healthcare data of law-abiding citizens will also be captured in this database. If you take certain drugs, Hassan thinks you may be a junky.

In yet another huge government overreach, which may actually violate HIPPAA laws, the Governor is pushing her failed left wing belief that she can somehow control the behavior of people.  Make no mistake; she isn’t the only one who pushed this.  It was apparently led by Republican Jeb Bradley a few years ago, passed in the Senate in 2012 and is now being put into action:

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Little gets lots of support from out-of-district Bankers

bankers_in_bowler__2280843bAccording to Senate District 8 Republican candidate Jerry Little’s FEC filings, the majority of his support appears to be from his fellow bankers outside of the Senate district.  While it’s not really surprising since Little was a banking industry lobbyist for years, it shows how little support Little has from the grassroots inside of the district.  You know, those regular every day people who want someone to represent them.  Since Odell ceased representing them with his vote for Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion (just to name one horrible vote), it’s interesting that Odell is backing yet another candidate who never represented the people and actually lobbied against the people and for the banks.

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HilLIARy doubles down on Benghazi b.s.

  In an interview with Fox News, Hillary Clinton actually stood by lying liar Susan Rice’s comments regarding the (known immediately) terrorist attack on Benghazi occurring over a youtube video.  The woman is clearly mentally incapacitated and not due to drugs but due to being a Democrat with no conscience. Video c/o   Watch the … Read more

Bob Odell endorses Scott Brown – Does anyone care?

THEBIGLIEThe Scott Brown campaign sent out an announcement that retiring Republican Bob Odell endorsed him today.  Does anyone actually care?  Bob Odell is the squishy Republican from District 8 in New Hampshire that voted for Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion (which will bankrupt New Hampshire) and who is pushing banking lobbyist Jerry Little (a guy who is completely out-of-touch with Granite Staters) to replace him?  Clearly the guy knew when to quit because otherwise he probably would have lost his primary to Jp Marzullo who is an actual common sense Conservative.  Below is the full press release:


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Shaheen makes time for ‘Nanny Staters’ yet still refuses to hold town halls

shaheenproggiesSenator Shaheen spoke today at the New Hampshire Progressive Summit in Henniker.  Interesting that she still refuses to hold town halls with actual constituents but finds time in her schedule to speak to a room filled with left wing loons who want to turn the ‘Live Free or Die’ state into a Nanny State.  All you have to do is read the descriptions for some of their workshops to see what type of event it is:

Mini-Workshop: “Not One More – What We All Can Do to Stem the Tide of Gun Violence” – This workshop is being run by the failed Mom’s Demand Action head Janet Groat of New Hampshire.  Of course, the Granite State doesn’t have a gun violence problem but then again, the astroturfing group of paid Moms pimped by Mayor Bloomberg aren’t really about ending gun violence; they are about gun control of law-abiding citizens.

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