According to Senate District 8 Republican candidate Jerry Little’s FEC filings, the majority of his support appears to be from his fellow bankers outside of the Senate district. While it’s not really surprising since Little was a banking industry lobbyist for years, it shows how little support Little has from the grassroots inside of the district. You know, those regular every day people who want someone to represent them. Since Odell ceased representing them with his vote for Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion (just to name one horrible vote), it’s interesting that Odell is backing yet another candidate who never represented the people and actually lobbied against the people and for the banks.
While Little was definitely a part of the State House, he wasn’t there as a grassroots activist fighting against legislation that would hurt Granite Staters; he was fighting for legislation that would help banks. I guess you can’t blame him really. It was his job. It takes a special kind of person to be a lobbyist for the banking industry. Especially when some of the legislation screws over the ‘little people’ in order to help the wealthy banks.