The Scott Brown campaign sent out an announcement that retiring Republican Bob Odell endorsed him today. Does anyone actually care? Bob Odell is the squishy Republican from District 8 in New Hampshire that voted for Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion (which will bankrupt New Hampshire) and who is pushing banking lobbyist Jerry Little (a guy who is completely out-of-touch with Granite Staters) to replace him? Clearly the guy knew when to quit because otherwise he probably would have lost his primary to Jp Marzullo who is an actual common sense Conservative. Below is the full press release:
For Immediate Release:
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Contact: Elizabeth Guyton
eguyton@scottbrown.comNEW HAMPSHIRE SENATOR BOB ODELL ENDORSES SCOTT BROWN IN SUNAPEESUNAPEE – Today, New Hampshire Senator Bob Odell (R-Lempster) endorsed Scott Brown at the One Mile West Restaurant. Sen. Odell is Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee and Vice Chairman of Energy & Natural Resources Committee. He represents District 8 and will be retiring this year after serving in the State House for 14 years.“I am pleased to endorse Scott Brown. He has strong New Hampshire roots, a solid commitment to our state, and is the best person to lead our ticket to victory in November. Scott is a known problem solver, and has made clear his goals to restore New Hampshire principles and help our families by reducing our national debt and pursuing an affordable energy plan. Through his leadership, New Hampshire will have an independent voice fighting to create more good-paying jobs and encourage economic growth here in our state,” said Senator Odell.“Senator Odell has worked tirelessly to offer the best constituent services and help our families succeed in the Granite State. I am humbled to have his support on our growing grassroots team as we continue to fight for lower taxes, more freedom and a restoration of New Hampshire principles to Congress,” said Brown.
I wrote about Odell’s lying liar vote for Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion at Examiner as well as the cowardice it took to vote for it. Why any voter in the Granite State would care about an Odell endorsement is mind-numbing. The man essentially voted to aid in destroying the ‘tax-free’ state. He’s endorsing a guy who votes with Democrats more than Republicans and who people such as myself fled from in Massachusetts. Any Republican who relies on an Odell endorsement needs serious mental help. Not only did the man vote against the party platform but he voted against the wishes of the majority of Granite Staters. Endorsing Scott Brown is a sign of just how bad Brown IS for New Hampshire.