Do Not Let The Electoral College Fade Away

You cannot get through a day without hearing a politician cite a threat to our Democracy. This statement is factually incorrect. The United States of America is not, and hopefully never will be, a Democracy. Our forefathers protected our individual states by creating America as a Constitutional Republic.

NH Constitution

Election Laws Have Been Changed without Our Consent

What is the role of the Supreme Court at the state or federal level? The U.S. Supreme Court’s official website says, “First, as the highest court in the land (or state), it is the court of last resort for those looking for justice. Second, due to its power of judicial review, it plays an important role … Read more

GrokPAC Pirate Flag ver 5.1 FI

GrokPAC Sent Out Mailers And Got Back…Hate Mail!

The other day I went to the GrokPAC PO Box to see what might be in it. I had expected to see “business” mail, but I wasn’t surprised when I didn’t. And I wasn’t surprised that I had other mail. There were ten or so responses to our mailers concerning the smut and pornographic books … Read more

Granite State Progress Logo

Granite State Progress Endorses a Republican?

Voters across New Hampshire are receiving letters, purportedly from local “neighbors,” urging them to vote in school-board elections next week, but they’re actually a form letter from a leftist group named Granite State Progress.

James Wilson

The James Wilson Voting Act

Now that the Build Back Better Act (sometimes called the Great Giveaway) has stalled, Democrats have decided that their top legislative priority is something called the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (sometimes called the Permanent Majority Act), which will effectively give the federal government the ability to dictate the electoral practices of individual states.