Yvonne Dean Baily on Fox News – UNH Bias-Free Language Guide

UNH has already pulled the Bias-Free Language guide, but not before our own NH House Rep, (And Campus Reform Contributor) Yvonne Dean-Baily was on Fox News to talk about it. http://s3.amazonaws.com/TVEyesMediaCenter/UserContent/283996/5082966.6305/FNC_07-30-2015_07.52.54.mp4

Is Free Speech Doomed at UNH?

UNH, like most universities, is weighted down by diversity curricula and all the anti-free-speech BS that goes with it. This handicap culminated in the very public unmasking of the  UNH Bias-Free Language guide that, among other things, suggested the word American might be problematic.

UNH Women’s Studies Faculty Members Seek Student Expulsion

Kimberly Haas writing for the NH Union Leader reported yesterday that UNH wouldn’t take action against counter-protestors or professors calling for their expulsion. The gist of it is this. UNH students protested the election of Donald Trump. Two “counter-protesters” showed up, one in a Richard Nixon mask, the other in a gorilla suit (assumed to … Read more

UNH President Makes About Half a Million – Look at What We Get!

New Hampshire taxpayers should take a few moments to measure the value of their ‘investment” in leadership at the University of New Hampshire (UNH). UNH President Mark Huddleston is the second highest paid Public University President in New England. Huddleston’s compensation package – which increased 2.7 percent compared to the previous year – consisted of a base … Read more

UNH Awarded “Most Microaggressed Campus of the Year”

Campus Reform has declared UNH the most microaggressed campus of the year. 6. UNH: gender roles and sexist jokes cause migraines, heart disease among women The University of New Hampshire released a pamphlet on gender microaggressions that claimed such aggressions have a “detrimental impact” on women by promoting “unequal wages” and causing “higher levels of poverty.” Microaggressions, according to the … Read more

“Inclusive Excellence” – Making Future Generations Incapable of Defending Free Speech

This past July the University of New Hampshire came under fire for its Bias-Free Language Guide. The Guide, produced under the University’s Inclusive Excellence program (which STILL has its Facebook page, don’t-ya-know), was ordered removed by UNH President Mark Huddleston after a national media pig-pile of stories. You will be hard pressed to find the words inclusive … Read more

Breaking – UNH Pulls Bias-Free Guide From Web Site.

WMUR has the story here. DURHAM, N.H. —The University of New Hampshire has removed from its website a “bias-free language guide” … And they have. They retooled and shuffled and it is gone. (Of course I screen grabbed it so it’s not really gone.) But this is an interesting development and we are happy to be … Read more

UNH Prez. Mark Huddleston – Run Away! Run Away!

Thanks to ‘Axel’ for adding this update on Facebook. (Here is the link to the quote in the Concord Monitor) Statement from UNH President Mark Huddleston on Bias-Free Language Guide July 29, 2015 “While individuals on our campus have every right to express themselves, I want to make it absolutely clear that the views expressed … Read more

So the word “American” is problematic for UNH? Then why does it take our American dollars???

“American,” “illegal alien,” “foreigners,” “mothering,” and “fathering” are just a handful of words deemed “problematic” by the University of New Hampshire’s Bias-Free Language Guide.  According to the university’s website, the guide “is meant to invite inclusive excellence in [the] campus community.”  Terms also considered problematic include: “elders,” “senior citizen,” “overweight,” “speech impediment,” “dumb,” “sexual preference,” … Read more


DEI … DIEs at the University of Florida

When Ohio banned DEI programs at universities from taking public money, Kent State merged its Diversity Equity and Inclusion offices with Human Resources and (ironically) renamed it the Division of People Culture and Belonging. Division, indeed.


“DEI is Racist”

Pershing Square CEO Bill Ackerman took to X to share some thoughts, not just about Harvard, anti-semitism, racism, and anti-racism, but a deep-dive analysis of DEI, the appointment of Claudine Gay as President, and inside baseball at Harvard, which he suggests should result in its full board tendering their resignations.