
It Isn’t Easy Being a Victim of Remdesivir

The PERP Act, sorry, I mean PREP, established immunity for the Public Health Industrial Complex from responsibility for treating COVID-19—a sort of secular ‘papal’ dispensation for sins to be committed. A man suing in Michigan has been granted an exception.

FDA Approves Emergency Use of Remdesivir

While the majority of people who get Wuhan Flu will be asymptomatic or only have mild symptoms, those who do go full-blown-flu need treatments. Hydroxychloroquine was an early (political football) treatment that the FDA approved. They have just approved another.

N95 mask Photo by Jonathan J. Castellon on Unsplash

Toxic N95 Masks

In April of 2020, top coronavirus fearmongers, including Anthony Fauci and his coconspirators, turned on a dime from advising against wearing masks to protect against coronavirus to recommending that everyone wear masks for that purpose.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.

Hospital staff plus the reaper

Death by Hospital Survivor Shares Her Story

Hospitals are corporations, many of them non-profits with politically protected hoards. They exist to make money, but it’s not considered profit. So, when the government said hey, do it our way, and we’ll pay you huge sums, they said sure. Or do I have that backward?


A Criminal Activity Called “Healthcare”

While good doctors, nurses, and aids are short-staffed, laboring with a passionate concern for the best care for their patients, those at the top seem to have forgotten the age-old Hippocratic Oath.