So, Heart Inflammation is a Sign Your COVID-19 Vaccine Is Working …

The Novavax COVID jab got Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)  from the public health ‘watchdogs’ at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), despite being flagged last summer as presenting some small risk of heart inflammation.

July 2022 (emphasis in the original).


“Authorizing an additional COVID-19 vaccine expands the available vaccine options for the prevention of COVID-19, including the most severe outcomes that can occur such as hospitalization and death,” said FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf, M.D. 


Novavax’s version is another spike protein injection advanced in the hope that the public health industrial complex could convince the vaccine-hesitant (see also smart people) to line up and take two for the team—all with the knowledge that there was a known risk of heart inflammation.


The Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine (Vaccination Providers) includes a warning that clinical trial data provide evidence for increased risks of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of tissue surrounding the heart).

Part of the approval process required Novavax and vaccine providers to report issues to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, which the FDA had been ignoring or dismissing long before with the help of the media and politicians. In other words, not much of a demand to get an EUA on an old COVID-19 vaccine whore in a new dress.

FDA greenlighted the EUA in July 2022, and in late February of 2023, new research suggests that,


Using pre-pandemic rates of heart inflammation in the population, the researchers calculated that the number of post-vaccination cases was higher than expected.

Reporting odds ratio values of higher than one indicate a higher-than-expected rate. For myocarditis following Novavax vaccination, the ratio was 5.2. For pericarditis, it was 24.75. For myopericarditis or both conditions at once, it was 14.4.

Novavax’s Nuvaxovid vaccine does not use mRNA, but like Pfizer and Biontech, it does use nanoparticles. Common among all three is their complete lack of respect for the mythological gender spectrum. Despite sex being a social construct, the COVID vaccine science continues to cause heart damage to young adults born biologically male more than any other.

Emphasis mine.

The median age of individuals was 35.5 years old, and most were males (38; 62.3%). Chest pain was the most common co-reported event 43 (70.5%). The median induction period was 3 days after immunization. Increased disproportionality for myopericarditis was found for NVX-CoV2373 (ROR 14.47, 95% confidence interval [CI] 11.22–18.67) and mRNA vaccines: BNT162b2 (ROR 17.15, 95% CI 16.88–17.42) and mRNA-1273 (ROR 6.92, 95% CI 6.77–7.08). Higher values were found in males.

We are not, however, allowed to make any connection between an apparent chemical war being waged on men and an increase in sudden deaths and all-cause mortality. That’s just a conspiracy (like the lab leak?).

Nothing to see here.

Remember, minor side effects are a sign that your vaccine is working, except the COVID vaccines don’t work. The morning after, the COVID vaccine pill (Paxlovid) doesn’t work as advertised. Remdesivr didn’t work as advertised. The pandemic protocols didn’t work as advertised. The political response didn’t work as advertised.

I’m sorry, old ground again. They did not work as advertised, but they did work as planned, and we can add the Novavax Jab to the list.

HT | Dr. Kat Lindley

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