Martha Fuller-Clark of Martha’s Motel – hits somebody with a car and….what happens? Police response is seemingly….mere deference?

Max Abramsom asks: St. Senator Martha Fuller-Clark, famous from the out-of-state campaign workers who registered to vote for her while helping her campaign, apparently “blacked out” and hit a pedestrian. As usual, the police decided not to breathalyze her, despite the accident. Why isn’t there some kind of mandatory post-accident drug-alcohol test for elected officials … Read more

Martha’s Motel Still not Out Of The Woods

Democrat Senator Martha Fuller Clark is NOT off the hook and the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office, under the ever watchful eye of another New Hampshire Democrat, can make all the consoling statements it wants, Fuller-Clark facilitated the ability of out of state entities to erase your vote. Consider… Bryan Gregory Griffith lives in Arkansas … Read more

Voter Fraud – We move from Martha’s Motel to the Rosenwald Rest Home for Wayward Voters

Martha’s Motel – sign in, sign out.  Sign in, sign out; a veritable revolving door of political operatives at what almost seemed to be a “political operative barracks” for those folks coming in to work for Democrats – and then voting here in NH even as their plans were to leave to return to their … Read more

Three Patrons ‘Check Out’ of Martha’s Motel

The recent request by three of Martha Fuller Clark’s motel patrons to be removed from the voter checklist poses more questions than answers. Fuller Clark previously explained that Griffith worked for the Obama campaign and stayed at her home from last June or July, through December. Riccio, she said, was her 2008 campaign manager before … Read more

Tales From Martha’s Motel – The Mysteries of ‘Intent’ and Ryan Fitzpatrick Flynn

Democrat State Senator Martha Fuller Clark still claims she had no idea what the intent was of those whom she allowed to “live’ in her home for voting purposes.  You know kids these days… So how does that work?  Ryan Fitzpatrick Flynn, for example, just shows up at her door in September  2012 and just … Read more

A Return to Martha’s Motel – Ellen Whelan-Wuest Knows How to Vote In Her ‘Home’ State

State Senator Martha Fuller Clark has some explaining to do with regard to Ellen Rose Whelan-Wuest. Ms. Whelan-Wuest makes no mention of New Hampshire on her LinkedIn profile as a place of employment or even interest.  Chicago, Durham (North Carolina), Brooklyn NY, even New York City, where she is working presently. We have her tracks … Read more

Did You Stay at Martha’s Motel? Don’t Forget Your T-Shirt!

They stole your vote and all they got was this stupid shirt.  (OFA logo on the back)

Nashua Telegraph – doing Ray Buckley’s dirty work on Martha’s Motel?

After all, a deflection from wrong doing by using the “well, everybody does it” sounds more like a tweener trying to get out of a bad spot with Mom & Dad rather than from a professional journalistic entity?  Or, is this simply yet another manifestation of how journalism is downgrading itself?  After all, after paying … Read more

Notice Something Odd About the Patrons at Martha’s Motel?

Isn’t there a running joke that all serial killers go by or are presented with three names?  Does that apply to vote stealing helicopter OFA voters as well?  Not people, liberty, though progressive polices are like a slow form of murder I suppose, slavery at the very least. Well, here’s the list of out of … Read more

“Martha’s Motel” Auxilliary at Dartmouth College? A missive from the past: “Records Reveal Possible Voter Fraud”

From the files of CNHT – the organization that has been laboring in the vineyard of Voter Fraud for decades as it has been toiling on behalf of local taxpayer organizations all of over the State of NH.    For those that say that there is no voter fraud, here is a report from Dartmouth back … Read more

Anyone Call the Portsmouth ZBA on Martha’s Motel?

Martha Fuller Clark’s palacious digs are in the Historic part of Portsmouth.  Not historically used for a motel, to be sure.  Certainly not plumbed, septic’d or sewer’d for the crowd she apparently had lodging at her family estate. What we do know is that it is a historical voting district for Democrat voters, often from … Read more

Stay At Martha’s Motel

Martha’s Motel This 1.4 million dollar (assessed est) single family Portsmouth home Motel is the perfect rest stop for weary national Democrat party and OFA campaign workers.  The proprietor, NH State Senator Martha Fuller Clark, who is currently the vice Chair of the New Hampshire Democratic Party and a member of the Democratic National Committee, … Read more

Part 3 – Staying At Martha’s Motel and School of Drive By Voting: Bryan Gregory Griffith

As Grokster Steve pointed out here: When asked about the legitimacy of their domicile status, Clark said: “By and large, the young people who stayed with me were committed to New Hampshire, but given their age, whether they intended to stay is impossible to predict.” Talk about a total BS answer.  State Senator Clark was … Read more

How Many Other Massholes are Using Rental Property Addresses to Vote In NH

The annual ritual is upon us. Like the arrival of autumn, the state selects one out of the thousands of likely candidates for prosecution as a patsy to charge with illegal voting. It is a dog and pony show. Look, see; we prosecute illegal voting (which we are otherwise told never happens). WMUR – Joshua … Read more

Nashua Didn’t See its “Housing Crisis” Cuz it Was Hiding Behind “The Rail Study”

Capistrano has the swallows, and Nashua, New Hampshire has the rail study. Every legislative ‘season’ the transportation doyens staff up the winery so they can wail like banshees about rail-study money. We need 4-million dollars for another rail study. It’s always four million. Since the same people will “study” rail with the same preconceived outcomes as every previous … Read more

Portsmouth Air BnB Renter Should Say They are “Domiciled” for Voting Purposes

The city of Portsmouth, New Hampshire has denied a couple the right to rent a property they own on Air BnB. Matthew Beebe and Barbara Jenny bought the home next to theirs for their Daughter who travels and planned to use short-term rentals until her return, but the city has issued a cease and desist order. [City attorney] … Read more

Ask Martha How She Does It

Apparently, the City of Portsmouth has a problem with people renting out apartments through Airbnb. “Officials do not track Airbnb rentals specifically, and city attorney Robert Sullivan says he estimates the total number of cease and desist orders issued this year for short-term rentals is less than 10.” “Sullivan explained on Thursday that unless something … Read more

The NHDP Want’s to Play “Who Said It?”

UPDATED AND BUMPED – Upon the news that NH Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley is planning to run for Chair of the Democrat National Committee, I thought I’d make it a bit easier for der Google to help them out.  Originally posted on August 14, 2013 –Skip by Steve MacDonald The New Hampshire Democrat Party … Read more

New Hampshire Has Porous Elections by Design

NH Election law is so porous that a Regional Field Director for a Democrat campaign, who lives in Colorado, can vote in a New Hampshire election, using the campaign office in Manchester as “his domicile.” These vote-thieves are not alone and this happens in every election in NH, by design.  The NH AG demands it, … Read more

Domiciles and Imbeciles

A NH Legislator has come up with a brilliant idea to raise money for the government. How about this for a new law? Tax every hotel room in a municipality that adopts this proposed legislation, only occupied ones that is. That new tax to be recorded and sent to the municipality. The “hotel room” in … Read more