Headshot for Press Pass - John Irish

Update II – John Irish

It has been a couple of days since I heard back from John’s long-term girlfriend and a number of people have been emailing me about John so I dashed off a quick email asking her how both she and John were doing.

Headshot for Press Pass - John Irish

Help Needed – John Irish

I consider John Irish a personal friend as GraniteGrok is asking for assistance in helping him – a lawyer who is a member of the MA Bar and licensed to practice in Massachusetts.

Notable Quote – Glenn Reynolds (A different kind of nullification – Irish Democracy)

Glenn Reynold’s (of Instapundit)  USA Today’s column spoke of both individual and State level nullification telling the Federal Government “Screw you!” (emphasis mine): Meanwhile, on the marijuana front, the people of states like Colorado are engaging in an odd, 21st century variety of nullification. Unlike the 19th century John Calhoun version, state laws legalizing marijuana … Read more

Whatsa matta John DiStaso, don’t like the ‘Grok much?

“As New Hampshirite Steve MacDonald notes, “this sounds like tyranny.” Given that Rush Limbaugh brought up NH Democrat House Rep Cynthia Chase’s name (AND STEVE MAC DONALDS!!) this past Friday, it was expected that the local NH media would be FORCED to also give a few column inches as well.  And DiStaso of the UL … Read more

Grok new Graphic

This is the 50,000th Published Post on GraniteGrok.com

OkThis post on this day, April 15th, 2023, at 2 PM ET is the 50,000 published post on GraniteGrok.com. That sounds like a lot, and maybe it is, but the ‘Grok had some very humble beginnings, and it wasn’t until more recently that we truly cranked out the content.

Hospital staff plus the reaper

Death by Hospital Survivor Shares Her Story

Hospitals are corporations, many of them non-profits with politically protected hoards. They exist to make money, but it’s not considered profit. So, when the government said hey, do it our way, and we’ll pay you huge sums, they said sure. Or do I have that backward?

Trump - Podium at MHT rally

Trump Rally – Manchester Airport – Exclusive Grok Video

As most of you know, President Trump flew to Manchester, NH after the RNC convention this past Friday. John Irish – who owns and runs Analog:db (see his biz card at the bottom of the post) – offered to cover the Airport Rally for GraniteGrok.

Employee lies to police, endangers everyone…

At Harbor Women’s Health center in Portsmouth yesterday, an employee reacted with hysteria to a visitor who was legally carrying a gun. So the employee calls and lies to the police, wasting public resources and endangering everyone at the health center. Will the person who lied to the police be punished? Should he or she … Read more