Sure thing, Spartacus – why is the Left so wont to slime potential voters?

by Skip

It is never good for a manufacturer or retailer to mock or denigrate their buyers.  Making sport of your customers (or potential customers) is not exactly a primary way to enlarge your bottom line.  When you tell them “you suck and your beliefs suck, too”, you’ve generally just told them “I no longer need your business”.

And they’ll listen and take the appropriate action. Like Hillary, Democrat Prez Wannabe Cory Booker is now telling half of his possible voters that they suck:

“I just want to say I’ve seen this. I’ve been saying this from the beginning of the Trump administration. Those people who are enabling him, who assuaged their conscious, witness the kind of things he does on a regular basis, and we’ve heard the reports I’ve heard the reporting, the kind of things this person does to, moral vandalism of that office, those people that are enabling him — there is a cold frigid place under the historical eye. They will go down in history as despicable actors who have enabled one of the presidents who’s doing some of the worst things to that office in the entire history of our country.

The truth comes out. The truth about Donald Trump will come out. That is why we will defeat him in 2020 if he is still there. But these people…I have a very low regard for people who know he’s doing wrong but still enable him, defend him, and in many ways empower him to remain in that office.

And the piece at Townhall concludes that quote with I believe to be entirely correct and entirely deserved summary of Cory Booker:

…the bottom tier presidential candidate continued.

Despicable.  Goes along with all of the modifiers like Deplorables, Irredeemables, homophobes, bitter clingers, et al.  They hate us and hate what we believe in.  They used to decry the lack of civility in politics….and here we are. And guess who is doing the name-calling? Over and over again?

Once again, we see the projection by the Left even as they are the ones doing the actions.

And it all comes down to two things: control and power.  They keep believing that they can shame Trump supporters, that they can cower those that did (and will) vote for Trump. They hate Trump with a fervor I have not seen before in politics (well, perhaps Reagan, but this goes well past that era) and in that, believe anyone that is in favor of Trump must also be attacked.

It’s obvious that Booker doesn’t get that he’s a salesman for himself trying to reach out to customers.  Yes, I know, we’re not the voters he’d be angling for in a Democrat Primary – but what about the General election? Does he think his words won’t come back, over and over again, like Hillary’s did (note: he’s about outta cash so he probably won’t make it BUT, just suppose he got the nomination…). You don’t think that Deplorables hurt Hillary in 2016?

I certainly do.

Booker certainly doesn’t.

But now we can generalize Booker to whomever the Socialists totalitarians nominate to run against Trump.

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