GrokTALK! – Podcast page for 06/11/11


Podcast – week of 06/11/11


Streaming Live! from GraniteGrok

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This week’s Podcast page is sponsored by: Richard Bloom eFoods Global:


Hour 1 -None this week      Hour 2

Grokster Steve and Mike were Skip’s cohosts for the first half hour of the show – unfortunately it and a wee bit of the next segment were corrupt when processing this podcast – apologies to all. 

Robert Bluey of the Heritage Foundation came on to basically talk about anything he wanted to!  We ended up talking about the influence of the Heritage Foundation, his relationship with the New Media, and the new investigative reporting done by the Right of Center think tanks and independant state-level bloggers.     Part 1     Part 2    

Following Robert, Don Overman, the NH State Director for the Fair Tax cane on and yakked with Mike and Skip about the Fair Tax: what is it, why does it replace the current IRS and income taxes, why politicians hate it, and why it puts citizens in charge of their taxes instead of the Government in charge of citizens’ income.    Part 1     Part 2 

Failing Liberty 101Professor Bill Damon, Sanford University professor and  investigative reporter and author of the new book "Failing Liberty 101: How We Are Leaving Young Americans Unprepared for Citizenship in a Free Society" (Hoover Institution Press), joined us to talk about how our new citizens, our youth, are failing to learn about their heritage of American Exceptionalism and what it means to truly be American citizens.  Why?  We as parents and our educational system are not teaching basic civics (and at worst, working to subvert the fundamentals of our Republic   Part 1 & 2 combined.

Failing Liberty 101: How We Are Leaving Young Americans Unprepared for Citizenship in a Free Society

Failing to prepare young people to live in a free society

The most serious danger the United States now faces, says William Damon, is not that of a foreign enemy but that our country’s future may end up in the hands of a citizenry incapable of sustaining the liberty that has been America’s most precious legacy. In Failing Liberty 101, he argues that we are failing to prepare today’s young people to be responsible American citizens—to the detriment of their life prospects and those of liberty in the United States of the future. He identifies the problems—the declines in civic purpose and patriotism, crises of faith, cynicism, self-absorption, ignorance, indifference to the common good—and shows that our disregard of civic and moral virtue as an educational priority is having a tangible effect on the attitudes, understanding, and behavior of large portions of the youth in our country today.

Damon explains why, unless we begin to pay attention and meet our challenge as stewards of a priceless heritage, our nation and the future prospects of all individuals dwelling here in years to come will suffer, moving away from liberty and toward despotism—and this movement will be both inevitable and astonishingly quick.

William Damon is a professor of education at Stanford University, director of the Stanford Center on Adolescence, and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. For the past twenty years, Damon has written on character development at all ages of human life, most recently The Path to Purpose: Helping Our Children Find Their Calling in Life (2008).


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.