Liberal Hypocrisy – Women


The UL has a piece on the Islamic Society of NH; I figured I’d just borrow the image (Steve’s post on this here).



CHASER: Liberals upset that VP Mike Pense refuses to

Vice President Mike Pence has been catching some flack for the revelation that, as detailed in a Washington Post profile, he allegedly refuses to dine alone with any woman who isn’t his wife Karen, nor will he attend any events with alcohol at them if she isn’t there. This struck many on the left as comically outdated and unnecessary, and led to quite a bit of mockery of the vice president.

It is not “allegedly” – that it is S.O.P for Mike Pence, current Veep of the US.  I didn’t write about it at the time, but I agree with him and the “whys” of his choice of behaviors.  More on that later.  The point I want to make is, at the time, Liberals and Feminists all over had their panties in a bunch and were screaming “HOW DARE that Mike Pence “protect” his marriage in acting in such a way?  See!  The Chauvinistic Patriarchy!”.

Yeah, you keep telling yourselves that.  Yet, do you see what I don’t see?

Yup – not a single female in that group shot.  Not one.  Not a small baby, nor a toddler, child, teen-ager, or young or senior adult? Yeah, me neither.  Yet do you ever see or hear of these same liberals that whipped themselves into an absolute eye-bugging, mouth frothing, limb twitching frenzy ever cast their ire at a religion (“The Religion of Peace”) that actively discriminates during their religious practices?  After all, we’ve watched for DECADES the assault on all male associations (you know, those kinds protected by the First Amendment’s Right to Free Association): golf clubs, mens’ clubs (no, not the kind where there are women present but for other purposes – get your minds outta the gutter), college dorms (although with the utterly ridiculous and childish campus frenzy to re-segregate, who knows – that might be reversed!); even the Boy Scouts have been attacked for not letting in girls (although now the Girl Scout mgt is some upset that the Boy Scouts are finally offering to do so).

Look, if that’s how Muslims want to worship, so be it.  I just thought it extremely hypocritical that one religion is singled out by the West’s feminazis but Islam gets a free pass.  If you Liberals / Progressive Totalitarians are going to ladle out the scorn, anger, screaming, and militantism, why do you give Islam a pass and yet have no problem in going after someone that most people say really a upright moral person.  Gosh, a guy that only wishes to NOT succumb to temptation that would demolish a sacred vow to both his wife and God?  In a time where marriage

But let’s face it, the institution of marriage is being pounded in the popular culture – often with the husband always being presented as an unknowing, uncouth, beer willing, drug addled buffoon who is equivalent to the bicycle in that old (and wrong) feminist’ phrase “a women needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle“.  At the risk of insulting yet another group in the Democrat Identity Totem Pole, that’s wrong – both need each other.  That’s how the vast majority of the human race is hard wired and outcomes are better when followed.

Yet, our Progressive Totalitarians believe otherwise and the hubris they have in believing they can “evolve” the rest of us to their distorted ideas of “how things will should be”.  Imagine that – Pense gets lots of rhetorical holes shot in him for simply putting his most valued personal relationship (and the co-commitment to God) above any others.  And yes, my argument doesn’t even bring in the problems with politicians that travel alone a lot and DO succumb to many temptations that come with that lifestyle (not to mention those seeking power by any means possible either in causing temptations or all those willing to report and scapegoat any such failures).

In other words, Pence (and any other male like him ) are attacked both ways (because if he did fall off the trail and into the drink), he’d be hammered and skewed for taking advantage of his “White Privilege” (whatEVAH the heck that is) and his “Power Privilege” (power politician abusing the power that comes with that position) by the exact same people.

Let’s just face it – these liberal harpies (females and beta males) hate those of us who try to life by faith, especially those of conservative Christianity.  They don’t understand that faith is real and in being real, doesn’t care much for their own “Social Justice Morality”.  In fact, most of them don’t realize that they have just traded one religion for another (and one that often seems to be made up on the fly).  Their tactics aren’t that much different than the Spanish Inquisition or witch hunting – except where those victims were the few, SJWs look across our fruited plain and see half the country should be clapped into the stocks (or Iron Maiden, the rack, or tied to that stake that never has A/C available).

No, Pence is right in his behavior.  Carry on, sir!

And the Left needs to look within themselves as to why they keep wearing blinkers.



(H/T: UL,


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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