The Reality of It All

Jim Bowman

When a so-called political party fights measures that would uphold America’s voting integrity, not suspecting that something else is at stake is impossible! Especially when that party previously scrubbed 14 million loyal votes and then proceeded to insert their “back room” choice. This suspicion of a hidden element gains momentum, especially with the more “into” voters, as the oddities from past election norms unfold.

Hidden behind the mask of a Presidential election, what’s actually at stake is America’s damn survival! The fact that so many Americans refuse to acknowledge this danger just adds impetus to this communist takeover.

Even the “C” word is a no-no within the “see no evil” sect. Their complacency flies in the face of the common-sense approach that suggests the best policy is to prepare for the worst. However, the disbelievers remain overly confident and insulated within their comfort zones. Still, nothing is free, and the cost will be sorely felt if the unthinkable occurs.

In addition, is there an underlying cost to one’s inner peace and sense of integrity? The easy road of discounting the unpleasant, while momentarily reassuring, usually initiates personal angst and unrelenting questioning.

Returning to this so-called election, it’s a night versus day contest. On the one hand, there is an ex-President who not only spent millions after entering but, when in office, donated his Presidential salary to various needy departments. In addition, those fearful predictions attached to his possible Presidency never materialized. More to the benefit of our people, his record proved to be the most pro-American and peace-promoting of our modern-day presidents.

Today, that same fear-promoting machine is again at work, predicting that once in office, this ex-president will become a “Hitler” type dictator! Duh, why didn’t this surface during his first term? Two elements unfold within this “fake news” commentary; that is, in addition to proving that our media outlets are truly “the enemy of the people.” First, these word-spinning weasels are insulting the public’s intelligence routinely, and second, they will write and/or say any lie to keep Trump out of office.

Amid all this Trump negativity, the “anti-Trumper” deniers never pause to consider just what is causing this elevation of this intense hatred against a political adversary. To fully grasp the degree of this evil tactic, merely recall past political contests. Today’s ramped-up hatred is simply in reaction against all that Trump intends to do to thwart their globalist scheduling.

Then there’s Trump’s opponent, VP Kamela Harris. Where to begin, what to say? Quite possibly, these short quips are adequate summations of her performance record and leadership potential! Seriously, this isn’t an exaggeration since her previous public posts were contradictory and dismal versus her current claims and just lacking of any worthy referencing.

One might compare Harris with the magical wizardry of Houdini. Just how did this “do nothing” manage to become second in command of the most powerful nation in the world? I mean, her California portfolio was such that just maybe, from a California perspective, her Senate position may have been the surest method for ridding California of her meddling!

The drabness of her professional record is not a campaign shot, only a wrap-up of an empty suit. However, it heightens the question of how she managed to land in our nation’s VP office? Her current status should startle and frighten! But more importantly, she is now poised to hold the ultimate office so that her death blow can be delivered to the country that she so intensely despises and has deliberately ravaged with illegals. This is not hyperbole since she was raised in Marxism by her Marxist father!

What should also deter her support was her inaction as “border tsar.” Although front page worthy, her open border policy never gained the public ridicule it deserved. When our southern perimeter became an illegal turnstile, versus Trump‘s previous efforts of closure, much of today’s domestic violence entered from her gracious border inviting.

To be sure, whether one is complacent or not, her election will sever our country’s well-being. The reality is that with President Harris, America will cease to be a free and prosperous America. We will become just another notch on the communist belt of conquests. This is the underlying reality that has implemented this intense hatred of a candidate who merely wants to better his country and her people!


  • Jim Bowman

    Originally from Philadelphia, Jim is a widowed Vietnam vet, father of two (son & daughter), three grandchildren, a retired boilermaker, and an op/ed writer for approx 35 years. He has two published books  -Our American Being, Righteously Free, and 2011’s The Roar of Ours.

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