Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow


It’s Friday!

Speaking of this week, here are the Monday edition and Wednesday edition

*** Warning, definitely a few off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***


Smoke and mirrors. Ahem.

For too many, their defining consideration will either be:

  • First melanin-enhanced birthing-woman-capable President
  • Orange Man bad

Or a combination of.

Gag. Retch.



More and more it seems like our society, indeed our current civilization, is founded on lies. It will come crashing down; be ready – to the extent you can be, be ready.


YES! Remove the societal sanction given to men in women’s sports! It will be painful to stand up for the right thing, but as more and more people do it, it will snowball.

Too bad, so sad. Anyway…

Wrap pleasant memories and good times with love and emotion – as the outer shell of life-skill lessons. E.g., last night I made pizza rolls with the kids. Fun, but also important because sooner or later they’ll be on their own and need to know how to cook.

That it was stolen is an axiom at this point. Now what?

YES, I agree.


Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):

Bayou Renaissance Man: A couple of useful resources when planning for emergencies

I recently came across two very useful resources for those planning how they’ll cope with emergency situations.  In the light of very recent experiences with Hurricanes Helene and Milton, they take on added value.


The Feral Irishman: More Attacks on The Food Supply…

JUST IN: Senior Meta Engineer Reveals Anti-Kamala Posts Are Automatically Demoted, Admits to Shadowbanning Tactics to Help Democrats Win Elections (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Did anyone with three brain cells that talk with each other believe Zuckerberg had changed his spots?

“Bar The Exit Door!” – Liberty’s Torch (

Where to move to is always a question. Here’s a story, amusing, about the exile of Jews to the moon.

JEWS EXILED TO MOON – Weird Jews — LiveJournal

Debt Colonization in Japan (

And that’s one reason, among others, that Japanese birth rates are below replacement. Why reproduce when you know your children, and then grand children, will have their lives in decline compared to yours.

Back in grad school I got to know several Japanese students; all had children, but all said that Japan was going to death-spiral by debt.

A spokeswomen in Germany with an excellent talk on how Islam is slowing taking over the West, mostly because our leaders are encouraging them:

Beatrix von Storch: “We Will Never Submit” | Gates of Vienna

The Dems are trying to claim that gangs did NOT take over apartments in Colorado, and that Trump and J.D. Vance are lying.  But it’s the Dems that are lying:

Apartment Complex Managers: “Yes, Gangs Did Take Control of Our Apartment Complexes in Aurora, Colorado, And The Government Did Nothing. That Is The Real Story.” – Geller Report

The DOJ is really working hard to swing voters away from Trump:

Merrick Garland’s Last-Minute Push to Corrupt the 2024 Election (

In the “the mask is coming off” department, Liberals want pRresident Biden to do a lot of unconstitutional things by fiat in his last 100 days:

“No Kidding! No Joke!” Liberals Call on Biden to Commit Unconstitutional Acts in his Final Days – JONATHAN TURLEY


Michael Moore Has a ‘Bucket List’ for Scranton Joe – HotAir

The Director of Navel Intelligence (DNI) is now admitting that the Intelligence community (IC) knew Covid-19 came from a lab, but downplayed it so as not to give Trump more ammunition against China.  These people are paid to work for America, but it sure looks like they are compromised:

DNI Admits IC Knew of Covid Origins (

N adds: At this point I think the list of government departments / agencies that is NOT compromised is very, very short.

A couple funnies from the Babylon Bee:

Kamala Campaign Forced To Hire Gay Actors For Ad After Being Unable To Find Any Straight Male Kamala Supporters | Babylon Bee

CBS Reveals They Interviewed Kamala For 721 Hours In Order To Compile ’60 Minutes’ Of Usable Footage | Babylon Bee

This election is not right vs. left, or Dem vs. Republican, but really globalist elites against all the “common folk”.  And the divide is getting worse and worse, as they truly think they are “better then us” and should have more rights & privileges because of their social status:

Gulf Dividing Ruling Elites, Average Americans Is Broad, Poll Finds (


Moonbattery Regular Americans vs. Degenerate Authoritarian Elite – Moonbattery

Another SNL skit that skewer Kamala:

VP Debate 2024 Cold Open – SNL (

Another link showing that even if Trump wins, the Dems plan to refuse to certify the election:

After Criminalizing Election “Denial” and Screaming About J6 And Democracy For Years, Top Democrats Threaten Not To Certify A Trump Election Victory – Geller Report

In the “acts have consequences” department, California wants to make it very hard for oil & gas companies to do business in CA.  Chevron is now saying:  If this goes into effect, they will stop investing in CA:

Chevron executive speaks out against Newsom’s gas, oil supply proposal (

In Hanson, MA, a Trump supporter projected a Trump 2024 logo on the town water tower every night, so the town set up generators & lights to block it out,  They are also charging the projectionist $100/night, and threatening him with arrest.  But there is no bias here, no, none at all /sarc

JohnFGately on X: “I’m here in Hanson where the Town has just turned on the generators and four giant spot lights to prevent you from seeing the Trump 2024 logo on the Hanson water tower. #mapoli #Trump #hansonwatertower” / X

More on the lithium mine contracts that have been sold in NC, right under the houses that just got wiped out in the flooding:

FEMA INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Hard At Work In North Carolina Post-Helene, Stealing Resources, Denying Supplies While Victims Suffer And Die * * by Noah

Jeffery Tucker with a great essay on why we should eliminate taxes and reduce the size of government:

The Case for Ever More Tax Breaks | The Epoch Times

Even rappers and black bloggers are getting disgusted with Kamala Harris:

Rapper EXPOSES Kamala Harris For FORCING Black People To SUPPORT Her – YouTube

A review of the government disaster response from someone who is there (language alert).  It’s a hilarious take-down of how NOT to run a disaster relief station.

My Experiencing DotGov -Utter Worthlessness- Today. Remind me: Why do we pay them again? Why haven’t they been hung? (YET) – Big Country Expat

The globalist elites will have a much harder time controlling you if you have independent food resources.  So they are using the “save the planet” types to try and prevent people from growing their own food:

Greens Declare War on Growing Your Own Greens – Watts Up With That?

Many green extremists seem to take the view that anything humans do, including growing their own veg, is causing existential harm to the planet. What they really hate, some may conclude, are humans themselves. Treble bongs all round.

James Howard Kunstler on how the lawfare being waged in America is really a Jihad (religious war) against Western Civilization:

Lawfare is Jihad Against Our Country (

The West Virginia SoS wants assurances that Fed.Gov won’t try to throw the election again (like with Hunter Biden’s laptop).  Don’t hold your breath waiting, sweetheart!

WV SOS Demands Feds Answer For 2020 Election Interference (

A major solar power station in Florida got badly damaged during the recent storms and will be off-line for months (maybe years).  The big questions are:  Who pays for the cleanup, who pays for the installation of new panels, and what do the people do for power until then?

What Happens When a Tornado Goes Walkabout in a Solar Farm? – HotAir

T.L. Davis with another great essay asking what are the American people prepared to do when (not if) the election is stolen again?

Correcting Many Usurpations – by T.L. Davis (

In the UK, they are criminalizing prayer, even in your own home (if someone can see or hear it).  Gee I wonder is this applies to Moslems?  Somehow I doubt it:

Moonbattery UK Law Could Criminalize Praying in Your Own House – Moonbattery

This Explains a Lot | Power Line (

I knew you could hire protesters, but I didn’t realize it was an industry. A couple of years ago my organization put on an anti-Critical Race Theory event in Duluth. A number of protesters showed up with signs, chants, musical instruments, and so on. We had armed, off-duty police officers for security, as we did at all of our CRT events. One of the officers told us they recognized the protesters. They are the same ones, he said, who had recently protested against a natural gas pipeline. Watch, he said, they are being paid. At the top of the hour they will pack up and leave. Sure enough: when the two hours for which they had been paid expired, they all disappeared.


Pick of the Post:

If I did that on a term paper, I’d get a big fat “FINE” (F). Related – and these are pure gold:


Palate Cleansers:

TGIF! I’ll show myself out…


Remember, next week starts meme posts only Monday and Friday!


And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee


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    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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