Meme Overflow


As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule continue!

*** Warning, definitely off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



Due to meme size / storage issues I am working with Steve to decrease things and rein in the size of these posts. Changes following will be:

  1. Going to two posts a week
  2. Less memes per post
  3. Videos will be posted to my Rumble channel, not “live” on the Grok

All this will free space, and will – admittedly – reduce the work load for me. Unfortunately, this is necessary from a storage space standpoint. However, Steve did tell me that Grok traffic is, in general, way up – so that’s good!


One Link to Rule Them All…:

The Biden Administration has now authorized use of the military to “assist” law enforcement in America.  Although this is in direct violation of the Posse Commatis act (which prevents using US troops against US citizens on US soil), they are doing it anyway.  This is from DoD memo 5240.01 which was updated on September 27, 2024, just weeks from a very contentious election, one that could kick off Civil War 2.0.  Note that this new version allows for “lethal force” to be used against citizens:

DoD Directive 5240.01: The Stealth Expansion of Military Intelligence (

N adds: Did you every think you’d live to see the day that US troops would be authorized to use LETHAL FORCE against US citizens?

It’s here.

Why do you think they’ve spent years and years removing the patriots and America-loving soldiers and replacing them with “woke” automatons who hate the very nation and culture in which they live? Add to that the millions of – very oddly – almost exclusively male, fit, fighting-age migrants? Why do you think Barackus bought military weapons for the IRS, the Post Office, the Forestry Service… plus untold millions of rounds of ammunition?

The beast is not approaching DC. The beast has reached DC, and settled in. Despite increasing signs Trump is pulling away from Kountess Kackula, the enemedia is fully infiltrated and compromised. The military is. Most election machinery is. And with the fear porn about Trump being the next Hitler

The board is set. Their pieces are in place. If Trump wins, they’ll riot and loose the migrants as they politically decline to certify him, creating the chaos they want. If Trump loses – by theft – they will swiftly move to consolidate permanent One Party Rule.

Prepare yourself.


I see the situation, but where is the problem?

Note: I am assuming this is done by the workers themselves – not imposed from above.

Really wish I had, for my Bar Mitzvah, high school graduation, college graduation, etc., asked for .999 pure gold coins. Also .999 silver coins. Alas.

You don’t hate the enemedia enough.



Cloward Piven reaching endgame? And when the EBT cards no longer work? Let alone the migrants illegal aliens and when “their” entitlements goodies stop flowing?


Hamas is Sunni; Iran is Shiite – but both will work together against an enemy of Islam.

That’s because they know what Communism is, unlike the blue-check twits.




Unvetted but interesting. And yes… good food is medicine.

More on food from here:

You won’t find these horrific toxins in the foods of other countries that have regulations protecting consumers.

The reason companies add these chemicals is because the government allows them to; it’s that simple.

Special interests have long controlled policy. An example of this is when Obama signed Monsanto’s brainchild, the “DARK Act,” declaring GMOs do not need to be labeled, which was a response to Vermont, Connecticut, and Maine’s labeling requirements for GMOs.

We need to reduce the corruption in government and the influence of special interests who would rather poison our children’s food than do the right thing and remove addictive and harmful chemicals.


Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):

The left claims that the Trans movement is HELPING children.  But the statistics & reality say different:

Almost 5,800 Minor Patients had Irreversible Gender Surgeries Last 5 Years (

Here’s an article about a N=1 experiment (meaning the person used themselves for the experiment) concerning eggs:

Harvard Med Student Eats 720 Eggs in 30 Days, Highlighting a Trend in N=1 Science | The Epoch Times

Growing up, we were told:  Butter, eggs, salt, red meat, and whole milk were bad for us.  Instead, eat cereal, skim milk, toast, lots of carbs, and minimize your meat intake.

Now they want us to “eat the bugs”, and they are forcing it by putting processed bug stuff in many foods already.  Of course, in the long run, we found out that it’s been a scam to get us away from “natural” foods and into “processed” foods, all of which just makes more money for the big corporations.  And more and more evidence is coming out that processed foods are really bad for you, while “natural” foods are actually pretty healthy.  But even worse, our own government is STILL pushing us to eat processed foods!  And then they wonder why we don’t trust ANYONE in power anymore.

Some Democrat’s in the House are openly saying they will not certify a Trump victory.  Even if he wins:

Report: Some House Democrats Likely Won’t Certify a Trump Victory (

So the big question then is this:  When the Deep State refuses to acknowledge the dutifully elected President, what will “We The People” do about it?

A sobering post on X about the coming economic collapse:

Jim Willie (P) #jimwilliestyle on X: “The Great Deception of Economic Stagnation: A Lesson for Humanity. In a world where the very foundation of our economic system is crumbling beneath the weight of deception, it is vital to understand the grim reality we face. Today, we find ourselves in the midst of a storm, a” / X

N adds: And it’s always the “little guy” that takes it without lube; the big players get warning and time to prepare.

Related:  A congressman shows how the principle of Money Dilution (by running the cash presses w/ no backing) causes inflation:

Jim Willie (P) #jimwilliestyle on X: “”Imagine a world where a sitting Congressman has to break down currency devaluation like he’s giving a lesson to elementary school kids. That’s what we’re witnessing as Rep. Massie lays out the basics for Washington’s so-called ‘leaders.’ Are they truly clueless or just turning a” / X

N adds: Kudos to him, but my supposition is that Congresscritters, et al, understand perfectly, and have protected themselves already.

When a leftist loses Saturday Night Live, you KNOW they are toast:

Marjorie Taylor Greene Press Release (Parody) on X: “HOLY SH*T 🚨 Kamala Harris has officially LOST Saturday Night Live. NOBODY likes her 😂 💀 “I come from a middle class Family” 🤣 THIS IS GREAT 🔥” / X

Same thing from a different site:

Moonbattery Cackala Parody That Blows Away SNL – Moonbattery

In the last set of links, we had one that reported on how Trump’s appeal of the NY “fraud” case went so badly for the Leftists that their lawyers were begging not to be sanctioned.  This is another take on that, however, this one mentions that the DA and the Judge could be charged with “election interference” also:

1776 on X: “silence from the mainstream media…where CNN, msndc,cbs 😂 It appears that Donald Trump’s appeal regarding the $454 million judgment in New York did not turn out well for the Democrats. In fact, their final argument was reportedly so weak that it resembled a plea to avoid” / X

In this video from Chicago, dozens of looters broke into a rail-car and are stealing everything they can.  The cities are turning into battle zones.  If you live in a city, GET OUT!

R A W S A L E R T S on X: “🚨#BREAKING: Dozens of people are actively looting and breaking into a cargo train 📌#Chicago | #illinois At this time, an estimated 50 to 150 people or more are actively looting and breaking into a cargo train on the west side of Chicago, Illinois. Police have been” / X

The same companies that FEMA hired to do the home inspections in NC after Hurricane Helene (Vanguard & WSP) are also the ones that hold the leases on the lithium mines under these homes.  This is outright CRIMINAL:

Wall Street Apes on X: “WOW 🚨 The Companies doing the North Carolina Hurricane Helene victim’s home inspections listed on the FEMA website are owned by Vanguard & BlackRock So the same company that owns majority of the lithium mine in the area will be inspecting the victim’s properties they want..” / X

 N adds:  Can we spell CONFLICT OF INTEREST?

Another good reason to NOT have your household systems connected to the “Internet of Things” (IoT):

The Government is Coming for Your Thermostat – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at

In the “we don’t care about the whistle-blowers protection laws” department, a border patrol officer who was interviewed for James O’Keefe’s “Line in the Sand” movie has now had his service weapon permission revoked:

BP Whistleblower in O’Keefe’s New Film Had His Firearm Revoked (

A couple good articles about how the battle space of the future (which is happening NOW) is inside your head:

CHAPTER 41: Your Brain Is the Battlespace – Trevor Loudon’s New Zeal Blog

CHAPTER 42: Quantum Computing Empowers Technocracy, Transhumanism, and the Managerial Unistate – Trevor Loudon’s New Zeal Blog

If you want to bring a gun or ammo into Massachusetts, even for a legal reason like a gun show, hunting, or a shooting competition, you could become an instant felon:

‘Chaos’ – MA Gov. Healey Inks ‘Emergency’ Enactment of New Gun Law (

Related:  I spoke to a good friend who goes to MA (from ME) to hunt in the Fall.  After reading up on the law, he found that you 1st have to have a gun that is acceptable (bolt action, magazine less than 10 rounds, etc.), then you have to register your firearm with the MA State Police & get a card from them authorizing you to bring it in.  So he called the MA State Police to ask how to register his hunting rifle (so he could bring it legally), and they had no clue.   There is no database yet, and nothing setup to administer one, no procedures, no cards to issue, nothing.  He thinks this is by design, so people will run afoul of this new law and become “examples”.

Far leftist openly states that he would do the same things to Jews that Hamas did on 7-Oct-2023:

Far Left Democrat Icon Says He Wouldn’t Have Been Able to Stop Himself From Murdering, Kidnapping, Raping, Sexually Mutilating Jewish Women and Children on Oct. 7th – Geller Report

The Federal government wants ALL the data about every small business owner in America.  Probably so they can target you even more than they already are:

New Law Forces Small Businesses To Cough Up Personal Data (

N adds: Per his interview with Tucker Carlson, I think Elon knows he’s going to the slammer if Kamala gets in. Or… to avoid “bad optics”, threatened and then told to knuckle under if he wants to stay out.

By allowing free speech on X, and openly backing Trump, Elon Musk has really pissed off the liberal establishment, and they are calling for people to stop doing business with Musk’s companies:

Some Liberal Leaders Don’t Want Their State Doing Business With Musk Over His Politics. Josh Shapiro Doesn’t Care | The Daily Caller

Another take on this:

Liberals are Losing their Minds over Elon Musk – JONATHAN TURLEY

Victor Davis Hanson on the weird things the Dems could (and probably will) do if Trump loses the election:

Victor Davis Hanson Issues Dark Warning On What Dems Might Do If Trump Wins In 2024 | The Daily Caller

Our Northern neighbor (Canada) is now telling disabled people “Have you thought of MAID?”  MAID stands for Medical Assistance in Dying, which is a fancy name for medical murder.

Assisted suicide lawsuit uses Charter challenge to go after rights | National Post

An article about the “werewolf” game, and how it applies to the media today:

werewolves losing control of the speech of others (

Ever since Elon Musk purchased and freed Twitter (now X), the left has been hounding him.  Now California wants to shut down SpaceX launches, and they openly stating that it’s political revenge for supporting Trump:

Weaponizing the California Coastal Commission Against SpaceX & Elon Musk (


Comedian Jimmy Dore on the above:

Jimmy Dore – Before COVID, Doing Your Own Research Used to Be Called Reading (

Note the date!


More on Tampon Tim and Pedo Potential:

Again, nothing truly confirmed, but what appears to be an awful lot of smoke being seen…

Tampon Timmy in Trouble – Vox Popoli (

With some further developments:

Part 2: CONTENT WARNING (hence link only). Link. Presented informationally.

Part 3:

Not looking good for Timmy here. Seen several videos – all speculative at this point – but again, there does seem to be an awful lot of smoke billowing around on this for there to be no fire.


Pick of the Post:

Drone swarms targeting US military bases are operated by ‘mother ship’ UFO, claims top Pentagon official | Daily Mail Online

Are we about to have the “big reveal” of… aliens? And will it be REAL aliens or something invented to distract us / fill us with dread so we fall in line?


Palate cleansers:

Fortunately, I do the cooking in the house! And the food shopping.

I suspect alcohol was involved.


Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.




    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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