Hey Dummies … Fascism IS Socialism

Ed Mosca

In the alternative universe that the Left inhabits, the fascists are on the right side of the political spectrum, while the socialists are the middle or the center-left. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

Fascism actually is the Italian … mores specifically, Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile … manifestation/implementation of socialism.

Here are two resources for you. The first is a twitter-thread by Tom Elliot. You need to read it on twitter … just click on the tweet below … because there are multiple tweets.

The second will take a commitment of your time, but it is well worth it. Nazis … or National Socialists … were NOT fascists. Naziism and fascism were both socialist ideologies, but Naziism based collectivism on race, whereas fascism in Italy was not race-based:

So check out the twitter-thread and the video … and the next time some Lefty bloviates how fascism is the far-right you can respond with “Hey Dummy … fascism IS socialism.”


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