There she goes again – Maggie “The Red” Hassan

With “Red” standing for the traditional color of Socialists…

If Folks haven’t learned already that Maggie Hassan is a liar, her most recent attack on Don Bolduc proves that she is. According to Hassan, if Don Bolduc gets elected in her steed to the US Senate, he will push for a full ban on all abortions nationwide. This fairy tale is patently impossible because of what SCOTUS did when it overturned Rowe vs Wade (it was not an enumerated Right no Power at the level of the Federal Government. Instead, that Power was rightfully returned back to the States. Maggie knows this! Still, she spins her lie to terrify gullible women.

Ladies, no one in the Federal government has any power over the abortion issue. Not in the U.S. Senate, not in the House, not the President, and not with any federal agency, period. Maggie is lying to you. She wants you to think if you elect her, she can help reinstate Rowe. She can not.

It is now a State issue, and as of now abortion, here in NH is still legal. The possibility of that status changing is slim to none. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are blowing smoke up your skirts.

So what can Maggie do for the ladies of NH, or the men and children for that matter? Based on her many years sitting in the U.S. Senate, not much. In all those years, she has not brought a single bill to the floor of the Senate. Her greatest achievement there was to rubber stamp the work of others in bobble-headed ignorance, merely going along to get along. What she has done to the people of NH is aiding in the reckless spending of great sounding bills so filled with pork and corruption that pork farmers are jealous.

She has helped establish the highest inflation in forty years and what is turning rapidly into a Recession, perhaps a Depression, if changes are not made (and fast!). She is helped to open our Southern Border to three million illegals aliens (I previously said two million but I have been corrected).

Oh sure, gas prices are dropping some but if anyone thinks that lowering will last much longer, that it takes the likes of Hassan to be reelected to continue, they are kidding themselves.

How do I know? I refer you back to the second line of my story. Read again.

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