OSHA Mandate – Biden Loses in Court AGAIN!

The Biden OSHA Vaccine Mandate had another rough day in court. The Administration rolled a few lawyers up to the 6th Circuit looking for love and got left at the altar.

As you are likely aware, halt the states are not so United on the idea of a federal “vaccine” mandate on private business owners.  After filing lawsuits in multiple courts, the Fifth Circuit issued a Stay and froze rulemaking on the Occupational Health and Safety Administration scheme until further notice.

I’m confident OSHA is still chewing away at this like the rats they are, but in public, they acknowledged the order so that on paper, or at least blog headlines, it looked like another win. Psychologically, it was.

The Biden admin then stepped in and said, well, you know. You could, actually should (private business owners), implement this on your own. Be good citizens in the name of “public health.”

We will be taxing and regulating the crap out of you, so why not just give us one less reason to send in the IRS or OSHA a local licensing or another inspector to eat out your substance?

They’d use bamboo shoots, but I think they’re all stuck on a freighter drifting off the Left coast in the Pacific.

No, Whoever is Running the Biden Administration (WRBA) never actually says any of that, but this Administration is Obama 3.0, so the same tactics apply—sending in armed agents to accuse you of having illegal wood products or to investigate your tax records going back forever, or perhaps releasing lists of donors at your company to third-party activists who will then hound and intimidate you relentlessly with major-media reporters in tow.

I imagine that’s still on the table, as things are not going well in court.


[Epoch Times] The Sixth Circuit Court has denied the federal government’s motion to transfer the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) vaccine-or-test requirement lawsuit to a different court, while also rejecting the White House’s bid to dissolve a stay on the mandate, delivering a blow to the Biden administration’s efforts to press ahead with implementation.Let’s say they want their way and they’ll do anything to get it. One of those things was to try and get the stay lifted. No such luck.


Those pesky judges.

No word on whether Pelosi and company will try to impeach any of them so they can be replaced with useless Kamala Harris like womannequins with rubber stamps and “We Hate Mean Tweets” stickers on their Volvo XC90 EVs. Those aren’t bloodstains in the back seat, by the way, it’s Red Wine!

They did promise (or at least threaten) to vacuum out the judiciary and fill the holes with not-so-independent lefties. Just ask Brett Kavanaugh. Or Mitch McConnell, I hear he’s been helping Biden get court nominees appointed while we’re chanting ‘Let’s Go Brandon.’

At least the Fifth Circuit (and the Fifth) appear to be on the side of the law.

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