G.I.P. VICTORY! Tyranny Defeated and Liberty Restored in Danville NH!

The mission of the Government Integrity Project (GIP) is to restore Liberty in every NH town. On Tuesday, July 13, 2021… that town was Danville, NH, where the work of nearly 60 GIP volunteers over weeks of effort culminated into an historic accomplishment by an incredible team of liberty minded patriots!

Together, they sent a shock wave to the liberal elitists in the town of Danville and across the state of NH.  Tyranny was defeated and Liberty was restored when Constitutional conservative and write-in candidate Scott Borucki defeated incumbent Kim Farah for Danville Selectman! Farah represented all that is wrong with elected representatives who have forgotten their oaths to office.

The Granite Grok’s Steve MacDonald broke the story earlier today.  He emphasized the magnitude of this accomplishment as Danville and NH residents rose up in unison against government tyranny:

This is a seismic event. The incumbent had no official opposition. The election was moved from its usual date in March to July. The only contested race on the ticket was for a library trustee. What could have possibly motivated voters to come out and unseat an incumbent?

Pandemic Politics

Kate Bossi, a grandmother and Sunday School Teacher, was forcefully arrested in front of students for not wearing a mask. Danville, NH Selectman Kim Farah, who is also the chairman of the regional school board, could have intervened but did nothing.

Our story about her arrest went national.

That was a spark, but what about the fire?

The Government Integrity Project rose out of the indifference of elected officials to protect and defend our natural rights. They saw an opportunity in Danville and helped organize activists to support a write-in challenge to Farah. Residents responded to the call.

The town experienced a record turnout for a local town election, and candidate Scott Borucki not only won a seemingly impossible write-in campaign his victory flipped the majority on the town select board.

Farah’s arrogant totalitarian style of governing led the GIP to pledge support for Borucki’s write-in candidacy.

Related: The GOVERNMENT INTEGRITY PROJECT Announces Support For Danville Selectman Write-In Candidate Scott Borucki

Borucki’s victory represents the beginning of the rebirth of American Principles in NH!  It represents right over wrong, and good over evil. His victory was an extraordinary event that can be credited to the wave of patriots that are banding together to take back our country.

The Government Integrity Project is an organization that has proven it has the knowledge and know-how to get it done with a team of specialized experts that were so effective with messaging and turning out the vote, that the town almost ran out of ballots!  That is an impressive achievement regarding a postponed election in the middle of the summer. An election that only a few Danville voters were aware of a month ago!

Most importantly, the election of Scott Borucki flipped the composition of the Danville Select Board from progressive to conservative.  That represents a tangible measurement of success and a return to representative government in Danville!

Chalk one up for the good guys!  One of many more to come!

If you want to help the GIP with their mission to restore representative government across NH, visit their website: www.gipamerica.org.


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