Rasmussen: Trump’s Approval Rises After Capitol Hill Calamity

The Media’s new irresponsible riot narrative is having difficulty sticking outside the ruling class dojos in DC. That might be because the summer of riots was nothing like that. As minority businesses burned and cities lost control, Democrats who were egging them on got, not condemnation, but air-time to do more of the same.

Related: Jen Horn’s Son is Encouraging Riots and Rioters

But within minutes of things getting out of hand in DC, the same Dems were all over Trump, blaming him for that and more.

As Democrats move to impeachment and some establishment  Republicans call for the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, the poll finds 48% approve of the President’s job performance.

A source close to the polling firm tells Newsmax that the rolling survey saw Trump’s approval soar to 51% on Thursday night.

I’m not sure ‘soar’ is the proper word but they did not go down, which is what you’d expect. Maybe more than a few folks remember the summer riots across America and specifically the damage done in coordination with BLM “protests” in DC?

Democrat-backed riots in DC did significant damage. There were even several mob efforts to breach the White House. None of that was blamed on Democrats who, from dog catcher to House Speaker were applauding and encouraging the unrest.

So, what does it all mean?

Well, you can see who (claiming to be on the right) is lining up behind the Pelosi and company narrative. Who is jumping ship. It means we have something we long for from the government, politicians, and bureaucrats.  Transparency.

We can see who the enemy is, and there’s never anything wrong with that.


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