Benghazi-gate reveals the Clintons we all remember…

With their defense team assembled, the Clinton offensive begins. Of course this was prefigured by several Clinton observers (including fellow Groker Steve) because taking a political fall, whether they’re actually responsible for it or not, is anathema to their biology.  That’s like asking Michael Moore to leave some Doritos in the bag. Or like asking bumbling, buffoon Biden to watch his mouth. Or like asking NOW to stick up for conservative women too.  Or like asking me to stop with these silly repetitive similes!  It ain’t gonna happen!  The Clinton pair has slithered out of more conspicuous traps of their own design to play magnanimous and allow themselves to be ensnared by someone else’s.  Especially, by one of his.

From the Examiner:

Clinton asked for more security in Benghazi, Obama said no
Last night, it was revealed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had ordered more security at the U.S. mission in Benghazi before it was attacked where four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens were murdered by Al-Qaeda but President Obama denied the request.
The news broke on TheBlazeTV’s “Wilkow!” hosted by Andrew Wilkow, by best-selling author, Ed Klein who said the legal counsel to Clinton had informed him of this information.

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