What difference, at this point, does it make?

“What difference, at this point, does it make?”, was shouted this past week from the naturally delightful, demure, and unquestionably feminine Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during a congressional hearing in response to a question of whether or not the administration’s immediate response to the 9/11/2012 Benghazi killings was misleading by saying the attack was “sparked” by a video– as the administration claimed at the time, to be sure, you know, to not shoot first and aim later.

Many things can be said of the Madam Secretary, but one thing is certain:

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Benghazi-Gate now starting to make it into the campaign landscape?

by Skip

Again, a recap: Ambassador Chris Stevens, IT specialist Sean Smith, and two former Navy SEALs (who lived and died by their oath to this country and each other) were murdered by Islamic Jihadis in Benghazi, Libya.  The requests for enhanced security rejected, the consulate was attacked on 9/11, 2012 and now the White House, Dept. … Read more

Now THIS is a true meaning of “Honor”

by Skip

When your well being plays no role.  At all.  No Benghazi-Gate here.  (H/T: RedState) Update from Ace of Spades HQ comment:  “Think of this the next time we see a photo of Obama with his feet on the desk in the Oval office.”

The “Let me be clear” President is Anything But

Let me be clear. The nation’s understanding of Benghazi-gate remains fuzzy at best.  We’re still experiencing this administration’s version of Chinese water torture as it slowly drips out information, one contradictory drop at at time.  We’re more than six weeks on, and all we have are more questions.

For a president who constantly says, “Let me be clear,” none of this is clear.  The Benghazi attack was the result of a video and a protest getting out of hand, then no, it was not. It was a spontaneous attack; no, it was planned.  The President kind of, sort of, may have referenced the Benghazi attack as an “act of terror” in the 9/12/2011 Rose Garden speech, or he was referencing the attacks 9/11/2001. It’s not clear. To make that even more unclear was Ambassador Rice, just a few days after the President’s Rose Garden speech, saying that it was a spontaneous event in response to the video leading one to believe that the administration didn’t believe the 9/11/12 attacks were an act of terror.  Of course this was again redressed when the moderator in the second presidential debate stepped in it and muddied the waters further.

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Benghazi-gate reveals the Clintons we all remember…

With their defense team assembled, the Clinton offensive begins. Of course this was prefigured by several Clinton observers (including fellow Groker Steve) because taking a political fall, whether they’re actually responsible for it or not, is anathema to their biology.  That’s like asking Michael Moore to leave some Doritos in the bag. Or like asking … Read more

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