Developing…Merrimack High School Teachers Indoctrinating Students?

I have received a number of reports of teachers in the Merrimack High School actively promoting a specific presidential candidate.  This appears to take several forms.  I have reports of posters, temporary messages encouraging students to assist a single campaign–with contact info, and then the typical teacher injecting their own preferences into the class discussion on an almost daily basis, also known as biased propagandizing and political indoctrination on the taxpayer dime.

Let me be clear.  All these offenses, and there appear to be several and many, promote President Obama’s re-election with little or no effort to provide any kind of ongoing or daily balance for or toward his opponent.  As class leaders, role models, and public servants, this is unethical, and very likely illegal.

This has been going on for weeks and I just want it to stop.

So how do we go about making it stop?

We could just ask nicely…

Just about every student I have spoken too, and I have kids in the school, I have friends and neighbors with kids in this school, kids with friends who have older siblings in the school, and even friends of theirs…all of whom basically tell me that they like these teachers, or simply respect them enough that they don’t want anyone to “get in trouble.”   But some of them think that it has gotten a bit over the top for Obama or that because there is almost no effort at balance it makes the classroom uncomfortable for students who along with their families, might not agree with the teachers in question.  But these are their teachers for the entire school year.

I have been collecting data for almost two months.  There is a very biased, one-sided, pro-Obama campaign movement running through some of the classrooms at the Merrimack High School.  It is a one-party bias where teachers are not only behaving like political bullies indoctrinating students they have created a toxic or hostile classroom environment around the Presidential election.   This is selfish, unethical, unprofessional, and very likely violates state law.

I am asking nicely…Please stop it now.

I am willing to give these teachers (yes, teachers, plural) until Monday October 22nd to cease and desist all the one-sided, pro-Obama presidential political nonsense in the classroom.    No more posters, no more signs, no messages on the corner of the board about how to help the Obama campaign…and no more wasting class time bashing one candidate and or promoting the other.

This is your chance to just stop and go back to just teaching your subject, and where and when it becomes necessary, to have an open unbiased, hospitable discussion on the national political adventure we call the Presidential race.

That seems fair.  I want you to teach, and kids to learn, and just leave your political bias out of it.

If, however, I continue to get reports that Merrimack High School teachers are still engaging in biased politicking, one-party indoctrination (of either party),  and political bullying after that, all bets are off.   The evidence I have already collected, along with any new evidence goes public, right here.  I will start contacting school board members and administrators,  naming teachers, classrooms, everything I have.

Will it get picked up in the press?  Probably?  Could it go national?  That seems very likely.  Will it be on the internet forever regardless, definitely.

When you are not at school, donate a portion of your wages to Obama and Democrats, write letters to the editor about Obama and Democrats, parade around at union rallies, dress up as Obama and read his speeches in front of town hall.  I. do. not. care.   You are free to promote whomever you like on your time.  But in a public school, you teach your subject not your bias.  If your subject includes politics, be an unbiased moderator of the debate and encourage both sides as best you can but know your own limitations –I’m not telling you how to teach or what to teach; that’s not my job.  But you are not paid to tell our kids who to campaign for, who to vote for, how rotten you think this or that opponent it, or whom they should encourage their parents to vote for during school hours.

Just stop doing it.  And before I forget, if you think you might want to try to figure out who all these multiple sources are, and perhaps make their lives uncomfortable…ah…you do not want to go there.

See you Monday.

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