Developing…Merrimack High School Teachers Indoctrinating Students?

I have received a number of reports of teachers in the Merrimack High School actively promoting a specific presidential candidate.  This appears to take several forms.  I have reports of posters, temporary messages encouraging students to assist a single campaign–with contact info, and then the typical teacher injecting their own preferences into the class discussion on an almost daily basis, also known as biased propagandizing and political indoctrination on the taxpayer dime.

Let me be clear.  All these offenses, and there appear to be several and many, promote President Obama’s re-election with little or no effort to provide any kind of ongoing or daily balance for or toward his opponent.  As class leaders, role models, and public servants, this is unethical, and very likely illegal.

This has been going on for weeks and I just want it to stop.

So how do we go about making it stop?

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Well, it looks like Teachers Unions are starting to lose more and more….

by Skip

First in Wisconsin and now in Colorado.  In a post at Townhall:

The Douglas County School District, a suburban community south of Denver, Colorado, has decided to part ways with their teachers’ union in the absence of progress on a new contract which expired June 30th, 2012.

“The Board of Education finds and declares that the Collective Bargaining Agreements between the District and the Unions,” said the district on July 3rd in its formal resolution dissolving the bonds between the union and the district, “which had been effective from July 1, 2011 through and including June 30, 2012, are now expired and of no legal effect whatsoever.”

The dissolution between the district and the union is unprecedented  and sources close to the union tell me that unions are pensively watching, worried that other districts around Colorado and the country could take the same action as Douglas County has.

We can only hope.

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