This is the time for Unity. 


With a primary this Tuesday we must remember that working together to unseat the Democrats is our primary goal. To this end, I, Eli Clemmer, am supporting and endorsing my prior primary opponent Steve Negron for U.S. Congress in the 2nd District.

We’d like to thank Eli Clemmer for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider please submit it to Skip@GraniteGrok or

Steve is our best chance at unseating Ann Kuster this November with his support base, ground game, and experience campaigning.

Having launched my campaign in January, I was awed by the outcry of support for a political outsider. My team and I started small with little experience, but learned quickly and were continuously joined by a strong volunteer team in this grassroots effort.

My highly engaged social media following, strong polling, and enthusiastic reception were largely due to the message I shared: one of stopping socialism at its root. I spoke out against the media’s fake news bias, colleges’ political activism, and Big Tech’s censorship. It is ironic that the media and colleges did exactly what I criticized them for when they used their leverage to manipulate our Republican primary.

I take recent events as an opportunity. Rather than a divided ticket, we Republicans are most effectively suited to ensure our best bet against Ann Kuster is spring-boarded into the general election with the momentum and enthusiasm to restore voice to the people of the 2nd District.

Steve has been an inspiration to me and my campaign since he first shook my hand at the annual GOP meeting in January, introducing me, his primary opponent, to other New Hampshire Republicans. He always warmly greeted me and my wife, Amanda, at campaign events and left me humbled when he publicly called for my inclusion at the WMUR debate. My goal for entering the race was to see Ann Kuster unseated, supporting Steve Negron is the best way to make this happen.

I will stay involved in New Hampshire politics but am using my time now as an opportunity to help New Hampshire Republicans win elections and Make New Hampshire Red Again. To this end, I have given my support and endorsement to Steve Negron, a proven solid Republican, and am asking those who were inspired by my campaign to do the same.

Live Free New Hampshire,

Eli Clemmer


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