No Bullies, Like Union Bullies

Below is text taken from N.H. House Speaker William O’Brien’s Facebook page:

Here’s what union-controlled government has become in New Hampshire:

Union operatives are pulling my yard signs from public areas and replacing some of them with union signs. Union thugs have twice gone into a general store in my town and threatened the woman who owns it with a boycott if she doesn’t take down a yard sign supporting me.

Unions also have promised to put $50,000 into my district, which has about 8,000 people, to defeat me. My opponents’ efforts are beginning to show that kind of spending.

And now, most recently, the postal service, which of course is staffed by union employees, have begun to delay and withhold mailers I am trying to send to voters.

Red-tagged political mail that is delivered to the Manchester distribution center is supposed to get into mailboxes in my district the next day, two at the most. The first mailer I sent out two weeks ago took three days to be delivered. The second, which, similar to the first, was hand-delivered to the Manchester (Goffs Falls Road) postal distribution center, was posted last Wednesday. It was not delivered, however, in one of my two towns – New Boston – until Saturday, again three days later. The same mailer has yet to be delivered to the other town in district – Mont Vernon, even though it is five days later.

In 2004 the NRA posted a 50,000-piece mailer in NH in favor of President Bush, one month before the general election. The mailer was delivered to voters, six days after the election. Other Republican candidates I am sure have their own egregious stories of post office mishandling of political mail.

My sense is that there will come a time right before November 6 in this election cycle, or perhaps even before the primary, when the unionized postal employees will just stop delivering my mail entirely, cutting me off from having an effective conversation with my constituents.

This is the way the union bosses and their political wing, the Democrat party, think representative government should work in New Hampshire. For them, democracy is agreeing with them or being silent.

Their message and their agenda is so obviously wrong for New Hampshire, that neither cannot stand the light of reasoned debate. So, union thugs will cut off debate.

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