Piling on Jeanne Shaheen’s Greenie green suck

by Skip

And as Steve points out here (and mine), being Green means having LOTS of green – and just watching it swirl down the toilet (data points via The Enterprise Blog):

  • …candidate Obama promised to create 5 million green jobs, at the low, low cost of only $15 billion per year
  • Obama spent $90 billion of his stimulus package on green energy projects, including weatherization of buildings and development of electric vehicles. Yet, by the end of last year, just 16,100 people landed new jobs in the so-called green industry, Labor Department statistics show, far short of the 200,000 jobs the White House projected it would help create each year.
  • It is amazing to see just how badly the government can do at these things: 16,000 jobs out of 200,000 predicted is about 8%—a mere 92% underperformance rate.

Steve had this observation:

New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen cut her teeth in her first Senate race by raging about taxpayer hand outs to big oil

So, what does this do to her campaign strategy –  Did Obama just skewer a rerun of her campaign issue against big oil again (NY Times):

The president’s preoccupation with the Arctic proposal, even as the nation was still reeling from the BP spill, was the first hint that Shell’s audacious plan to drill in waters previously considered untouchable had gone from improbable to inevitable.

Barring a successful last-minute legal challenge by environmental groups, Shell will begin drilling test wells off the coast of northern Alaska in July, opening a new frontier in domestic oil exploration and accelerating a global rush to tap the untold resources beneath the frozen ocean.

It is a moment of major promise and considerable danger.

Industry experts and national security officials view the Alaskan Arctic as the last great domestic oil prospect, one that over time could bring the country a giant step closer to cutting its dependence on foreign oil.

But many Alaska Natives and environmental advocates say drilling threatens wildlife and pristine shorelines, and perpetuates the nation’s reliance on dirty fossil fuels.

Heck, how is Obama gonna explain this?  I’ve heard of taking 180s before, but this isn’t gonna make Van Jones’s day either.  Once again, we see the REAL Obama – he’s not gonna let ANYTHING (issues, ideology, people, promises, or philosophy) to save his political skin for the upcoming election.  I can’t WAIT to listen to the Greenies go ballistic over this turn of events.  Imagine the horror when it sinks into their enviro-psysies that their guy, The One, is going to be The One that is going to let their uber-villian, Shell, into the inner sanctum of their holy church – the Artic.

Fortunately for her campaign in 2016, the way things are starting to look, she won’t have to run against Obama’s clear message on oil – he’ll be on the speaking circuit picking and picking out a spot for this Prez Library.  To that last point, ya think he’ll choose Detroit to help out its Blue Model economy and governance?

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